Thursday, October 31, 2019
Pandemic Flu plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pandemic Flu plan - Case Study Example that has seen heath experts and governments come together to formulate policies and plans on how to curb and mange influenza so as to reduce loss of life through such pandemic. Communities at their local levels have come up with ways to handle influenza so to protect the community members from suffering and deaths. This paper indicates a community plan outlines strategies to curb influenza in Glen Falls in New York. To enhance influenza review in Glen Falls, the plan shall initiate measures to protect community members from attacks and loss of lives as a result of flu. They include; This shall be meant to promote and boost the immunity of villagers through anti viral drugs and vaccine. Parents shall be advised to take their children fro vaccine so as to enable them withstand the effects of influenza. Immunization awareness shall be carried out to educate the people on the need to consider immunization as the possible solution for this challenge. Expectant mothers shall be advised to attend prenatal and antenatal care program in which vaccination and immunization for the unborn baby and the mother shall be done to offer remedy for this problem. To educate the community, seminars and workshops shall be carried out in the community to enlighten the people. Cultural dances and performances where by communal artists shall be used to perform and make skits more so in the evenings which shall bring together members of the community to learn on the need to take on immunization program to remedy influenza. Influenza pandemic requires proper planning that involves partie s of every level such as communities and families and individuals so as to slow and respond so as to recover from this disaster. This is because influenza has been identified to cause loss of life through illness making it a public threat. The plan will involve health care providers in advocating the control of influenza in the community. Hospitals shall print leaflets which shall have the information
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Quality Of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Quality Of Education - Essay Example Today’s education is far more excellent compared to yesterday’s education. One of my proof is the availability of advanced computerized and centralized learning classrooms and libraries in most of the schools and colleges. Telephony and Data Communications also contributes instant information especially in the presence of intranet and internet. Due to the evolution of teachings and through some academic research it aided our educators to be more efficient in their way of teaching, thus, improved the quality learning of the students. Unlike my parents’ experiences, assignment and research are not a problem at all since it is not as difficult to find reference materials. Through the usage of a word processor like the Microsoft Office Word, multimedia editor like Adobe Photoshop and presentation software like the Microsoft Office Powerpoint installed in computers, my reports and presentations are much more creative and presentable compared to what my parents had, he nce, enables me and my classmates to establish better communication and understanding. Regardless of what course and degree, most of the subjects and courses were change especially in the field of science and technology due to the additional knowledge to be imparted in the curriculum. It is also a proof that due to the availability of many courses our education has become more advanced. Another factor affecting the quality of education is the teacher itself. The teaching strategy is a big factor affecting the education of the students.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Nestle and the food and beverages industry
Nestle and the food and beverages industry Nestle has strong corporate culture which is reflected by the company logo itself. The logo, Good Food Good Life which is always attached to its products is the main guidance for every activity within the company. Nestle believes that good food is the primary source of good health throughout life thus it always puts nutrition, health and wellness as the core of its business. The company tries to further develop and emphasize on these aspects. These three things Nutrition, Health and Wellness can be found in all Nestle products and in the company mission statement as well. Talking about the company culture which is related its people structure, Nestle has the culture of team focused and open door policy which become one of its corporate strengths. The company focuses on collectivism and performance orientation attitude to encourage employees to work harder (Ali et al, 2009). Strategic Purpose Mission of Nestle is to make better food so that people live a better life. There is an apparent relationship between this mission statement and the company logo. As what the company believes in, it strives to bring consumers foods that are safe, of high quality and provide optimal nutrition to meet physiological needs. In addition it also brings the vital ingredients of taste and4rrf4f5f5gt pleasure. Nestlà ©s corporate objective is to be the worlds largest and best branded food manufacturer, whilst ensuring that the Nestlà © name is synonymous with products of the highest quality (Nestle Corporate Objective, 2009). It shows that Nestle has achieved one part of its corporate objective which is to be the worlds largest manufacturer. This objective is related to another objective of Nestle which is the company wants to make sure that the product creates value that can be sustained over the long term for shareholders, employees, consumers, business partners and the national economies in which Nestle operates. The main concern of Nestle is to deliver nutritional value for the customers. Thats why in the website of the company, its clearly stated that Nestle is the worlds foremost Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. The CEO of Nestle, Paul Bulcke once said that the objective is to be recognized as the leader in the Nutrition, Health and Wellness and as the reference for financial performance, trusted by all stakeholders. The statement from the CEO is in line with the fact that Strategic Purpose isnt only concerned with what the organization should achieve but also who has influence over the purposes. In every organization there should be some people that have complex role in affecting the organizational purpose. These people are the stakeholders of the company. Nestle wants the stakeholders are well-served which is returned in the companys long term objective: to create sustainable value for its shareholders which require it to create the value for the societies at first place. 2.0 Industry Analysis The threat of entry At first glance, people may think that food and beverages industry is quite easy to enter. This is true if the consideration is only about the capital requirements. The capital requirement of entry is not high thus enable many parties to open their business in this industry. This opinion is also supported by the fact that many brands are occupying the shelves of supermarket or retailer. But if more factors are taken into consideration, the threat of entry for food and beverages industry is moderately high (medium level). The threat of entry is affected by many factors which are economies of scale, capital requirements, access to supply or distribution channel, customer of supplier loyalty, experience, expected retaliation, legislation or government action and differentiation (Johnson et al, 2005). For this industry there is no specific government legislation that governs the entry of new entrants. The fact is that there are many big players exist in this industry and they are at multinational level which means the retaliation is very great. These big players have broad product lines and they have global marketing strategy that those local brands are not able to compete with. These big companies also have an advantage in term of achieving economies of scale. They have more experiences to give them advantage in terms of cost, customer and supplier loyalty. Entering the food and beverages industry to compete with the big competitors such as Nestle wont be a wise decision unless the new comer has careful attention paid to the strategy. Nestle has the most important thing to retain its customers which is the brand name itself. In 2008, Nestle is one of the companies in the list of 100 Best Global Brand (Best Global Brands, 2008). Nescafe as one of the brand under Nestle was reported to have 13,056 million USD of brand equity. This shows how valuable the brand name of Nestle as the market leader in the industry which cant be imitated by competitors. The brand name is used to differentiate Nestle product from the competitors. Threat of Substitute Threat of substitute is high in the food and beverages industry. There are many substitutes available that might reduce demands for company in the food and beverages industry. To identify the threat of the industry, the company cant only look at close substitute. Threat can be assessed using price/performance ratio and extra industry effects. There is a tendency for food and beverages manufacturers to product broad range of products. These products may compete with one another to gain market share. It means that they become substitute for each other. For example Nestle Koko Krunch Cereal can be the substitute for Nestle Nesvita cereal drink since both of them are intended for breakfast consumption. Because Nestle is offering not all kinds of food and beverages, those unoffered kinds may act as the substitutes for the Nestle products. For example Nestle has coffee in its product lines which is Nescafe, the substitute for it can be the soft drinks which are not in the portfolio of Nestle. In this case the substitutes are also very broad. For certain food such as baby food, the substitute can be breastfeed which is free and offer same or higher value. Power of Supplier The power of supplier in food and beverages industry tends to be medium. The basis of Nestle products are agricultural raw materials such as milk, cocoa, and coffee. By referring to 3 factors that affect the power of supplier, only 1 factor can gives the supplier the power advantage which is the non-existence of forward vertical integration. Supplier power is increasing as many of the food and beverages manufacturer are not involved in agricultural raw material production and dont own or operate farms. Nestle, Cadbury, and Kraft are some of the examples. They rely on the suppliers to provide the raw materials. Nestle itself purchases agricultural materials in either raw or semi-processed form directly from farmers or via trade channels (Raw Materials, 2009). On the other hand, by considering the number of suppliers in the industry and also the switching cost, the dependency to a particular supplier can be reduced. The suppliers are not concentrated that enables the companies to choose the most appropriate suppliers. For multinational companies that have their operations in many countries throughout the world, if one supplier cant offer good price for the company, it can look for the other suppliers (can be in different countries). One issue for some companies is how to get the suppliers that can supply high quality materials as needed for producing high quality finished products. Switching cost from one supplier to another is not high. The bargaining power of supplier depends heavily on the strength of the companys brand. In this case, big companies such as Nestle can take advantage in bargaining. Small scale companies or local companies may feel that the power of supplier is higher as compared to the well-established companies. Power of Buyer Competitive Rivalry Food and beverages industry is a very competitive industry. This is affected by the other 4 factors discussed above. Its not too difficult to enter to this industry, the bargaining power of supplier and buyer are medium and threat of substitute is high. Some other factors also determine the intense of competition. The competitors are of roughly equal size which can make the competition even stiffer. They will attempt to gain dominance over another. For example Nestle and General Mills have joint ventured for breakfast cereal market. By having such joint venture these two companies instead of competing with each other they can gain better success (Jones, 2008). In overall this food and beverages industry has its own attractiveness to attract new comers to enter. Although from the 5 Porter results the industry isnt so attractive, it has its own set of appeal for the business party which is the growing opportunity (profit). If the new comers can have good strategy to penetrate into the market and know how to compete with existing companies, they can gain benefits in the competition. {draw:frame} Since Nestle is operating in world-wide market, the industry life cycle may vary among different geographical areas. In general food and beverage industry is at the growth stage of life cycle but for European market and non-European market they are at the different point of growth stage. Figure below shows the position of the food and beverages industry in the life cycle. Another reason for the difference is the demographic differences between the two different areas. A very important issue that makes European market is hardly to grow is regarding the population growth rates. As compared to other markets, the population growth rate is lower that makes the industry cant grow or generate higher profits for the market players. For food and beverages industry, the consumption is driven by the population growth. Slower population growth means the industry also grows slowly. The industry life cycle analysis is related to the Porter 5 forces. The relationship can be seen from the characteristics of the forces which vary for each life cycle stage. In other words the life cycle can be determined by looking at the 5 forces of the industry. As for the food and beverages industry, since its still at the growth stage the competition will keep increasing (intense rivalry) till it reaches maturity stage. One obvious fact is that in European and North America market the competition is stiffer as compared to the other markets. As shown in the curve before, these 2 markets are approaching the maturity stage while the other markets are just at the middle of growth stage. Nestle knows this thus it put more attention to the Asian market (Jones, 2008). The competitive rivalry is driven by the increasing number of new entrants. The power of buyers at growth stage isnt high but it will increase as the industry goes further in the life cycle. The main reason for this is because of increasing number of competitors to offer more products to the customers. In the Porter 5 Forces analysis it has been identified that the bargaining power of buyers is quite high already. This is because this industry is very broad and the companies can come out with many product selections. When the companies step into the maturity stage by sure they will have even more products providedto strengthen the companys brand. For example Nestle MILO has strong market share and remains a perennial favorite amongst Malaysia consumers. In order to further strengthening the brands image, the company added MILO GOLD to its product range. This was done to keep the consumers loyalty towards the product (Business Review, 2008). Reversely the power of supplier will be lower when this industry reaches the maturity stage. It is because the brand of the company will be more powerful when it enters to the maturity stage. As explained before the power of supplier is relative to the company brands. Currently since the food and beverages industry is still at the growth stage the power of supplier is medium. Nestle is an exception case. For Nestle whose brand is very strong, the power of supplier becomes lower. One proof to show that the power of supplier is low is the presence of Nestle Supplier Code. This Nestle Supplier Code establishes non-negotiable minimum standards that the suppliers must respect and adhere at all times when conducting business with Nestle (Nestle Supplier Code, 2009). The Code also helps in implementing the commitment to foster responsible practices in the company supply chain. It is used to ensure the responsible sourcing and supplier relationships that deliver a competitive advantage for N estle. Not all companies have capability to implement such thing. Suppose Nestle isnt a well-known company, it wont dare to have supplier code, instead it may have to listen to what supplier requires. A major barrier to entry for the growth stage is the learning or experience. Nestle and other companies have gained many experiences that allow them to achieve economies of scale. Pricing during this stage is also declining (lower than the introduction stage) and the profit is also increasing. Nestle and its competitors still have growth opportunity. Another proof to show this industry is still at the growth stage is more differentiated products are being introduced these days. The research center of Nestle is still striving to come out with innovative products and renovate existing ones. Before identifying the key drivers for change, the PESTEL analysis should be carried out. From the key factors in the macro-environment (PESTEL), there are 2 of the factors that influence food and beverages industry the most which are economic and social factor. These two are the key drivers for change in food and beverages industry. Demographic is also one of the factors that keep changing. The main factor within demographic that will impact the operation of the company is the lifestyle. As mentioned earlier, people are shifting to healthier life. The demand for food and beverages that dont fulfill this requirement cant stay long in the competition. But for Nestle this wont affect much since Nutrition, Health and Wellness has been the company focus for years. According to Johnson (2005) critical success factors are those product features that are particularly valued by a group of customers and therefore where the organization must excel to outperform organization. CSF can be related to the differentiation by the companies within the industry. There are 4 common forms of differentiation which can be used by the company which are: product attributes, price, support, and brand image. For the food and beverages industry the most critical success factor will be the product quality and innovation (Nestle: Global Strategy, 2009). It means that for the company to success in this industry, the product quality should be taken care the most while innovation process is also carried out. This is what Nestle has been doing so far. As mentioned before Nestle brand has been the symbol of quality. Innovation is said to be the critical factor because in this kind of industry the company should be able to come out with new ideas to keep pace with the changing customer preferences. Another critical success factor for the food and beverages industry is the healthiness of the products. This is closely related to the key drivers for change as discussed earlier. As people are very concern about their health, the healthiness of the food and beverages they are taking become a key determinant in their purchasing. Many groups of customer valued this healthiness issue thus allows Nestle to conquer big market share. Indirectly the brand image itself can be built from the product attributes thus brand is of the same importance with product quality in food and beverages industry. The company also needs to develop its corporate brand using CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Probably this factor is applicable for any industry in the business world. As Nestle is the market leader of its industry, by sure it has its own set of core competencies to deal with the critical success factors in the industry. All CSF is of Nestle capability which means it has the resources and competencies to cater all CSF. Without these competencies, Nestle cant sustain its position any longer. This core competency of Nestle has made the company reached the first place in the industry. Quality which is the most important factor for food and beverages industry has been so attached to the Nestle brand itself. Nestle knows that innovation and quality are the key determinants thus it transferred these competencies to the foreign market wherever it entered into (Nestle: Global Strategy, 2009). One of the innovations from Nestle which gives it first mover advantage is its nutrition labeling on all the products packaging. It was launched in 2005 and comprises three elements: Good to know, Good to remember, and Good to talk. These 3 labels can be found in all the Nestle products. There is another first mover advantage Nestle has which is becomes the first in the industry to offer a full range of chilled dairy products with No Artificial Coloring in 2008 (Business Review, 2008). Some examples of the products are BLISS Yogurt Drink, NESTLE Yogurt and YOCO Cultured Milk Drink. It was communicated under the Some Things are Best Left Natural communication campaign and received very positive feedback from consumers. Nestle also has competencies in leading and developing people (Roongrerngsuke, 2006). This is important since Nestle is operating worldwide. As the market in each country is different from the others, the company needs to adapt itself to the macro-environment accordingly. Nestle has the ability in adapting itself to local demand and cultural differences although it operates in global level. It uses local brands in a wide range of local markets and focuses on trying to optimize ingredients and processing technology to local conditions. Doing business in different countries means different ethical standards, different business expectations, and different cultural norms. One example to show Nestles ability in responding to local condition is when it penetrated to Nigeria, the company had to rethink its distribution method (operating a central warehouse) because the road system was poorly developed and much violence there. The global strategy must be backed up with the necessary financial and human resources and knowledge management should be introduced to spread information throughout the company (Nestle: Global Strategy, 2009). Nestle can take advantage of location economies to lower the cost of value creation thus it can achieve low cost position which will give the company even better market shares (Nestle: Global Strategy, 2009). The experience of Nestle itself also can help the company to sustain its competitive advantage in term of lower product price. For Nestle to sustain its competitive advantage shouldnt be a problem. This is due to the value and inimitable of the core competencies of Nestle especially for its corporate brand image and commitment. To achieve what Nestle has achieved so far is very difficult for the other companies. This requires long term experience and investment. The most important thing is that Nestle is aware of the intense competition and keeps improving itself so that competitors cant take over its position. For the nutritional labeling, it was protected by law and other companies cant follow the same thing. Another thing that enables Nestle to sustain its competitive advantage is the intangibility of innovation in Nestle and first mover advantage. Innovation has been the culture of Nestle and it cant be transferred to other parties. Furthermore with the presence of this competency, Nestle shouldnt be worry whenever there are any changes in the industry (macro-environment) especially when people life style change. The company still can come out with nutritious food and beverages to cater the demand of customers worldwide. 5.0 Strategic Directions and Corporate Level Strategies of Nestle Corporate level strategy is also dealing with the product diversity, international diversity, corporate parenting roles and management of portfolio (Johnson et al, 2005). It is strongly related to the strategic direction of the company. Nestle applied international diversity which means it differentiates its products based on the local market and competition. The example has been given in the chapter before which shows the Nestle ability in adapting itself to the local market. In selecting the corporate strategy a firm might refer to Boston Matrix, Ansoff Matrix or use a simple SWOT analysis to establish where the company is and in which direction it wishes to head. Below is the BCG portfolio matrix for Nestle SBU. The classification is based on the performance of the SBU (the profit it generated to Nestle). Most of the Nestle SBU is in the category of star. The SBUs in this category generate high profit for the companies. This is the main reason why Nestle can gain its number one in the industry. All its SBUs are generating profit. Nestle doesnt have any SBU in dog and cash cow category. Take example of Ice Cream SBU to show why its considered as star. Nestlà © Ice Cream registered double digit growth in 2008 (Business Review, 2008). The division continued to spearhead the market with even stronger brand awareness, which saw continuous and sustained brand building efforts even during lackluster market conditions. This SBU can come out with innovative products such as DRUMSTICK Techno, DRUMSTICK Retro ice cream and MAT KOOL Tangle, MAT KOOL Super Blaster and TROPICANA Plus ice confection. In the following years if the innovation is kept carried out, this SBU can still generate high profit for Nestle. Strategic direction or development directions are strategic options available to an organization in terms of products and market coverage (Johnson et al, 2005). There are 4 strategic development directions which are: protect/build, product development, market development and diversification. Nestle has done the 4 strategies. In recent years, the company has pursued a policy of expansion and diversification through acquisition and divestment to achieve a more balanced structure to the business. Product development is the main direction of Nestle and done by the company RD team. As what a director of Nestle said, renovation is to keep pace in the industry; company needs to change at least as fast as consumer expectation. Innovation is to maintain the leadership position; to move faster and go beyond what consumers will tell (Nestle SWOT analysis, 2005). These 2 strategies are intended for internal growth to achieve higher volumes. In 2005, Nestles ice cream business unit for the China Region launched 29 new products to attract more consumers having its quality improved (Nestle Attacks with New Products, 2005). As the multinational company, market development is also very important in order to increase the geographical area coverage. In this case Nestle is expanding the market by geographical area. Nestle expanded to Asia region as it saw good opportunity there. In some cases Nestle used joint venture to assist itself in entering into new market. As a multinational company, Nestle has done some sorts of international strategy such as joint ventures with Coca Cola and General Mills (Nestle SA, 2009). These 2 joint ventures still main for the food and beverages industry (this also can be the example of related diversification). Joint venture with General Mills is to form Cereal Partners Worldwide and joint venture with Coca-Cola is named Beverages Partners Worldwide. The main reason for Nestle to do the joint ventures for its market development strategy is to benefit from the traditional marketing expertise and distribution strength of Coca-Cola and General Mills. These 2 joint ventures also allow the companies to have their market penetration (existing product in existing market). Nestle has related diversification and unrelated diversification. For the related diversification, it can be seen from the wide product portfolio which encompassing baby foods, dairy products, chocolates, breakfast cereals, food seasoning etc. For unrelated diversification, Nestle did it by acquiring or joint venturing with other big companies. For example Nestle acquired Alcon Laboratories Inc. in Texas which is a pharmaceutical company specializing in eye care (Company Related, 2009). Another example of unrelated diversification is the joint venture with LOreal. Nestlà © and LOrà ©al have a close relationship dating back to a shareholder pact made in 1974. Nestlà © holds a 26.4% stake in the worlds largest cosmetics group. Whilst it is unlikely that Nestlà © will take over LOrà ©al in the immediate future, it could well do so in a few years (Nestle SA, 2009). For the future days, Nestle may still come out with market development, product development and diversification. Nestle with its RD team can come out with more and more innovative idea in developing the products and try looking for new market segment. The new market segments can be new geographical unit or based on demographic factor. However for the unrelated diversification Nestle shouldnt go to extensive. It is because the more extensive the unrelated diversification the lower the performance will be. 6.0 Conclusion Conducting industry analysis is very important whenever a company wants to enter into new market. Porter 5 forces and industry life cycle are have-to-do analysis before making decision. However for the existing companies especially large scale companies, they need to pay attention to the future changes that might happen in the industry because these changes will impact the operation of the company in the business environment. Nestle as the leader in the food and beverages industry has its own set of competencies that allow it to conquer the largest market share and left the competitors behind. The core competencies or strategic capability of the company should fit what the most influential factors in determining the success of the company are. It means that the core competencies should be able let the company to sustain its competitive advantages. Portfolio matrix assists the company in determining how to allocate the investment based on the SBU. By understanding this, the company knows the direction it should go. This is related to the issues of market penetration, consolidation, product development and diversification.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Theme of Power Corruption in Animal Farm, by George Orwell Essay
Power can have the persuasive action in undoing the moral ethics of one’s character. This can be seen throughout history, such as World War II and proven by the actions of Napoleon in the allegory, Animal Farm, by George Orwell. As Lord Acton said â€Å"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.†In history what was viewed as a villain or wrong doer is never the same as the perception. A leader does not begin wanting to do wrong, they start with the best intentions, but power is a tricky thing, showcased in Animal Farm as Utopian ideals but with failed practices. Most new societies that have a Utopian idea most likely stem from a traumatic event where humanity believed it had no other choice but to go to the extreme. Animal Farm does the same thing; these animals feel mistreated by their leader, Mr. Jones so they follow the pigs in order to create a Utopia. In The Giver, by Ray Bradbury, everything appears perfect but there is a glitch that is often hidden in the powers that rule. In The Giver it was the simple truth of life and how they, the powers that ruled, deemed to control it in order to create their own Utopia. These powers, whether the government is one single ruling body, or many, the slow gain of power feeds and justifies any wrong doing. As Napoleon first started out along with the other pigs, they made the seven commandments. Napoleon enforced "The Seven Commandments†which include statements such as, â€Å"Whatever goes up on two legs is an enemy,†â€Å"No animal shall wear clothes,†â€Å"No animal shall drink alcohol,†and â€Å"No animal shall kill any other animal.†By the end of the book, Napoleon breaks all of these commandments for his personal gain. Napoleon uses his power to alter the commandments in order t... ...mal Farm. Ed. Terry O'Neill. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 1998. 70-81. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Joseph Palmisano. Vol. 68. Detroit: Gale, 2004. Literature Resource Center. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. 3. Kirschner, Paul. "The Dual Purpose Of Animal Farm." Review Of English Studies 55.222 (2004): 759-786. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. 4. Richard I Smyer. Some Perversions of Pastoral Animal Farm: Pastoralism and Politics Twayne's Masterwork Studies 19. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988. p30-66. COPYRIGHT 1988 Twayne Publishers, COPYRIGHT 2010 Gale, Cengage Learning 5. Lowry, Lois. The Giver. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993. Print. 6. Shakespeare, William. Macebeth. Ed. Rex Gibson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Print. 7. "The Holocaust." National Parks Service. National Parks Service, 16 Nov. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Grade 12 Bio – Enzyme Lab
Enzyme Lab Purpose: To compare the action of the enzyme catalase, to a non-protein catalyst under different conditions. Observations: | |Observations |Rate of Reaction |Interpretations | |A |Sand |- Sand piled up at the bottom of |0 |- There is no reaction between sand and| | | |the test tube and no bubbles | |hydrogen peroxide, because sand does | | | |arose | |not contain any catalysts or enzymes to| | | | | |break down hydrogen peroxide | | |MnO2 |- Reaction occurred right away, |5 |- MnO2 acts like a catalyst which | | | |bubbles rose almost to the top of| |breaks down H2O2 into water and oxygen | | | |the tube | |gas with a lower activation energy | |B |Liver |- Reaction occurred right away, |4 |- Liver contains large amounts of the | | | |and big, white bubbles rose the | |enzyme catalase, which break down H2O2. | | | |top of the test tube | |This made the reaction occur quickly | | | | | |and form bubbles. | | |Potato |- Very little bubbles appeared |2 |- The reaction was very moderate and | | | |from the reaction, and did not | |did ot occur quickly because potato | | | |rise very high in the tube or | |does not have a lot of the enzyme | | | |occur quickly | |catalase | |C |Used liver + Fresh liver |- Some bubbles formed and the |3 |- The reaction should have had a higher| | | |reaction was moderate | |rate of reaction, because the enzymes | | | | | |in the used liver are still active and | | | | | |can be used in the reaction again. The | | | | | |fresh liver can also perform this | | | | | |reaction with its catalase enzyme. Due | | | | | |to an error or impurity of equipment, | | | | | |the reaction was not as strong. | |Used liver + H2O2 |- Reaction occurred quickly and a|4 |- The enzyme in the liver is still | | | |lot of big bubbles formed and | |active and can be used over again, | | | |rose to the top of the test tube | |because enzymes never get used up | |D |Crushed Liver |-Reaction happened immediately, |5 |- Liver contains a large amount of | | | |and a lot of bubbling occurred | |catalase enzyme, which breaks down H2O2| | | |for a while with large, white | |very quickly. Since the liver is | | | |bubbles, and rose to the top of | |crushed, this reaction occurred even | | | |the test tube | |faster because there is a larger | | | | | |surface area of the liver for the H2O2 | | | | | |to react with. | |Crushed Potato |- Very few bubbles that were |3 |- Since the potato is crushed, there is| | | |small formed and they did not | |more surface area for the H2O2 to react| | | |rise very high in the test tube | |with, but potato does not contain any | | | | | |enzymes to break down H2O2, so this | | | | | |reaction was moderate and did not occur| | | | | |quickly. |E |Boiled Liver | – No bubbles rose to the top of |1 |- No reaction and bubbles formed, | | | |the test tube, and a light, white| |because the boiling of the liver caused| | | |cover formed on top of the liver | |denaturing of the proteins, and | | | |with very little, small bubbles | |denatured catalase proteins can not | | | | | |function | | |Liver at 37( C |- Reaction occurred quickly and |5 |- This reaction occurred and formed | | | |large, white bubbles formed and | |large bubbles that rose to the top | | | |elevated up the test tube | |because the liver is 37( C, which is | | | | | |normal human body temperature.Catalase| | | | | |operates and breaks down H2O2 best at | | | | | |this temperature. | | |Liver at 0( C |- No bubbles formed or rose to |0 |- No reaction occurred when the liver | | | |the top of the test tube. No | |was at 0(C because this condition is | | | |reaction occurred. | |too cold for the catalase enzymes to | | | | | |function.Enzyme activity slows down at| | | | | |any temperature below 37( C, and it is | | | | | |the slowest at 0 degrees. Almost no | | | | | |enzyme activity occurs. | Questions: 1. The differences in the rates were mainly because of the different temperatures of the liver, the different p article sizes of the liver and potato, and the product used with H2O2 in the reaction. The reactions that had the fastest rates had liver as the product used in the reaction with hydrogen peroxide.Also, reactions that had liver at normal body temperature (37( C), and had a larger particle size for larger surface area had fast rates of reaction. 2. H2O2 breaks down when other catalysts that can be oxidized by it are present. Because H2O2 is an unstable molecule, some inorganic substances like MnO2 can be oxidized by it, and they release oxygen gas in the reaction. 3. Temperature affects the rate of enzyme action very much. At low temperatures, the enzyme activity is very slow, because the molecules have low kinetic energy and fewer collisions occur between them. This is proven in part E of the lab, where there was no reaction and enzyme activity when the liver was 0( C.At high temperatures, the enzyme activity increases because the molecules have higher kinetic energy and more collis ions occur. However, the maximum temperature the enzyme will stay active until is about 40( C. After the temperature reaches higher than 40( C, the protein enzyme will start to denature and slow down. Particle size also affects the rate of enzyme action. Smaller particles allow the rate of enzyme activity to be very high, because there is a larger surface area for the enzyme to react with and break down. This is proven in part D of the lab, where there was a very fast and active reaction with crushed liver and hydrogen peroxide. The large surface area of the crushed liver allows more space for the enzymes to work on and break down hydrogen peroxide. 4.No, the results would not be different if dog liver was used for this investigation. This is because the catalase enzyme will stay active as the temperature increases, up to about 40( C. If the liver is higher than 40 degrees, the enzyme will denature and not work. Since dog liver is exactly 40( C, the results will be the same, because the enzyme will work at a temperature of 40( C, but not any higher. In conclusion, this lab helped consolidate the understanding of how enzymes work, and how temperature and particle size affects the rate of enzyme activity. This activity was an interactive way to see how the enzymes actually function, through liver and potato. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ SBI 4U0-B
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Emergency management Essay
The safety of child will always be my number one priority. I will always try my best to protect children in my care from hurting themselves, however, accidents do happen. My premises have been checked and they meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage in England. I also regularly review, update and practise my safety routines, including fire drills. As a registered childminder, I am legally required to have a valid first-aid certificate. I can administer basic first-aid treatment, and my first-aid box is clearly labelled and easily accessible. It is stored in my utility room. Parent contact numbers are with the first-aid box. †¢ I hold written permission from parents in Childs Record Folder to seek emergency treatment for their child if it is needed. †¢ All accidents will be recorded in an accident book. †¢ As a registered provider I must notify Ofsted of any serious accidents, illnesses or injuries or the death of any child whilst in my care and any action I may have taken within 14 days of an incident occurring. If I am in need of support or advice regarding a serious illness or incident involving a child in my care I may contact National Childminding Association who will log information regarding the incident with regard to their safeguarding policy. A NCMA designated officer will be assigned to my case and all the information given to them will be kept confidentially unless their appears to be a child protection issue which will be reported accordingly. If an accident or incident involving a child in my care may result in an insurance claim I will contact my public liability insurance provider to discuss my case and be allocated a claim number. This may involve discussing details of the child in my care with a third party. I also have an arrangement with another registered childminder to provide emergency back-up cover if necessary. In the event of an accident whilst child in my care: †¢ First, I will reassure the injured child while making sure that the other children in my care are safe. This may mean strapping a baby in a buggy or sitting an older child somewhere where I can see them. †¢ Then, if possible, I will deal with the accident. If not, I will ring 999 for help. †¢ If I have to accompany or take a child to hospital, I will either take the other children with me, or call my emergency back-up cover. This will be another registered childminder or known responsible adult. These people will be known to you (please see below) If there is an accident or emergency, my emergency back-up cover may contact you and you will be expected to collect your child straight away. If I manage to deal with the accident myself, then I will tell the affected child’s parents immediately. If I accompany or take a child to hospital, I will contact their parents and ask them to meet me at the hospital. If I have an accident, I will get the nearest responsible adult to help, while my emergency back-up people are being contacted. After every accident, however minor I will: †¢ Record in my accident book †¢ Ask you to sign the report and then provide you with a copy If the incident requires any medical treatment: †¢ Inform Ofsted within 14 days of an incident occurring †¢ Inform my Insurance †¢ Contact the NCMA for advice/support In the event of an accident in the Childs home: †¢ Parents must inform me on child arrival of any accident at home and record it in the back of the accident book. †¢ If I will see an evidence of injury on a child which has not occurred whilst in my care and has not been reported to me, parents will be asked for information on the incident and instructed to write in the accident book I will do my best at all times to make sure the children in my care are safe, reassured and kept calm. Emergency back-up cover |Back-up registered childminder |Known responsible adult I have read and understand the Accident and emergency policy. I give my permission for the named emergency back-up people to have my contact details for use in an emergency. I give permission for my child ________________________ to be taken to hospital and be given emergency treatment providing every effort has been made to contact me. |Childminder’s name | | |Childminder’s signature | | |Date | | |Parent(s)’ name | | |Parent(s)’ signature | | |Date | | | | | |Date policy was written | 27/07/2011 | |Date policy due for review | 27/07/2012 | Illness and emergencies policy I appreciate that as a working parent you need to be able to go to work, however if your child is unwell then they will be bettered cared for in their own home. It is my policy to keep children safe when they are in my care, promote good health and take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection within my childcare setting: †¢ I will promote hand-washing in warm soapy water before eating or handling food and after using the toilet †¢ Each child will also have access to kitchen towel, which I will provide for each child under my care †¢ I will promote the use of tissues for children with coughs and minor colds †¢ All children in my setting who are excluded due to having an illness or an infectious disease such as a severe cold or stomach upset will not be allowed to return until they have been free from illness for 48 hours. This is in order to minimise the risk of the transmission of an infection to other children, myself or members of my family †¢ If a child arrives at my setting with a disease or illness I believe to be infectious or that poses a risk to the other children in the setting or myself I will expect the child not to attend my setting until they have been well for the recommended period of time (In accordance with the contract agreed with parents I expect to be paid for the child’s place even if they are excluded from my setting due to an illness or infectious disease) Children and babies can often become unwell with very little warning, if this happened whilst child in my care: †¢ I will contact you and expect you to pick up your child immediately and not return to the setting until your child well again †¢ If you cannot then an emergency contact will be called instead †¢ All parents are expected to provide emergency contact numbers other than their own in case they are unavailable to come and collect their child themselves I will inform the parents of the other children in my setting if there a child I care for has a diagnosed infectious disease If I, or one of the members of my family have a confirmed infectious disease, I will inform you as soon as I am able. (As I will not be able to offer my childminding service I will not charge you for the time the service is unavailable, as agreed with you in our contract) I am happy to care for a child with common coughs and colds providing they can join in with a normal day and do not need medication I will not accept a child with a high temperature as this is usually the first sign of illness and a very high temperature can sometimes lead to convulsions (Please do not bring your child if they are obviously ill as I will refuse care. Remember that I will not be able to give your child the extra atten tion that they need whilst care for other children.) I will ensure Ofsted is notified of any serious accident, illness or injury to any child whilst in my care, and the action taken in respect of it. Notification must be made as soon as is reasonably practicable, but in any event within fourteen days of the incident occurring. If you knowingly bring your child when ill this is a breach of contract and trust and in serious cases could result in termination of our contract By signing this policy you are agree that you have read and adhere to Illness and emergencies policy. |Childminder’s name | | |Childminder’s signature | | |Date | | |Parent(s)’ name | | |Parent(s)’ signature | | |Date | | | | | |Date policy was written | 27/07/2011 | |Date policy due for renewal | 27/07/2012 | Behaviour policy Behaviour policy statement: I aim to offer a quality childcare service for children and parents. I recognise the need to set out reasonable and appropriate limits to help manage the behaviour of children in my care. †¢ By providing a happy, safe environment, the children in my care will be encouraged to develop social skills to help them be accepted and welcome in society as they grow up. †¢ I do not, and will not, administer physical or any other form of punishment with the intention of causing pain or discomfort, nor any kind of humiliating or hurtful treatment to any child in my care. †¢ I endorse positive discipline as a more effective way of setting boundaries for children. Behaviour Procedure: †¢ I keep up to date with behaviour management issues and relevant legislation by taking regular training from NCMA and Early Years Service and by reading relevant publications, such as Who Minds? †¢ I agree methods to manage children’s behaviour with parents before the placement starts. These are discussed with parents during initial visits before the contract is signed to ensure appropriate care can be provided. A copy of the house rules will be given to the parent to encourage positive behaviour. †¢ Wherever possible I try to meet parents’ requests for the care of their children according to their values and practices. Records of these requirements are agreed and kept attached to the child record forms. These records are revisited and updated during regular reviews with parents. †¢ I expect parents to inform me of any changes in the child’s home circumstances, care arrangements or any other change which may affect the child’s behaviour such as a new baby, parents’ separation, divorce, new partner or any bereavement. All information shared will be kept confidential unless there appears to be a child protection issue. †¢ I offer regular review meetings with parents to discuss their child’s care and any issues or concerns, preferably when the child is not present. If I do not share the same first language as the child’s parent, I will find a way of communicating effectively with them. This may include seeking guidance from the local early years team. †¢ I work together with parents to make sure there is consistency in the way the children are cared for. A consistent approach benefits the child’s welfare and helps ensure that the child is not confused. †¢ I will only physically intervene, and possibly restrain, a child to prevent an accident, such as a child running into the road, or to prevent an injury or damage. †¢ All significant incidents are recorded in an incident book and will be shared and discussed with the parents of the child concerned so that together we can work to resolve any behavioural issues. †¢ From time to time children will have difficulty learning to deal with their emotions and feelings and this is a normal part of child development. I will acknowledge these feelings and try to help children to find constructive solutions in liaison with their parents. †¢ Distracting and re-directing children’s activities are used as a way of discouraging unwanted behaviour. †¢ I encourage responsibility by talking to children about choices and their possible consequences. †¢ I aim to be firm and consistent so that children know and feel secure within the boundaries I set. †¢ I will respond positively to children who constantly seek att ention or are disruptive. †¢ I will help children maintain their self-esteem by showing I disapprove of their bad behaviour not the child themselves. I encourage appropriate behaviour by: †¢ Setting a good example, I aim to be a positive role model as children copy what they see. Children learn values and behaviour from adults. †¢ I readily praise, approve and reward wanted behaviour, such as sharing, to encourage it to be repeated. Using praise helps to show that I value the child and it helps to build their self esteem. †¢ I praise children to their parents and other people when they have behaved as expected. †¢ I try to be consistent when saying â€Å"no†and explain reasons why it is not appropriate and considered unwanted behaviour. †¢ My expectations are flexible and realistic and are adjusted to the age, level of understanding, maturity and stage of development of the child. †¢ I try to involving children in setting and agreeing house rules. Children are guided away from doing things which: †¢ Are dangerous or hurtful or offensive to someone else †¢ Are dangerous to the child †¢ Will make the child unwelcome or unacceptable to other people †¢ Damage other people’s property. By signing this policy you are agree that you have read and agree with my behaviour policy. |Childminder’s name | | |Childminder’s signature | | |Date | | |Parent(s)’ name | | |Parent(s)’ signature | | |Date | | | | | |Date policy was written | 27/07/2011 | |Date policy due for renewal | 27/07/2012 | Safeguarding policy Safeguarding policy statement: My first responsibility and priority is towards the children in my care. If I have any cause for concern I will report it, following the local Safeguarding Children Board procedures in England. I understand that child abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, neglect or a mixture of these. I must notify Ofsted in England of any allegations of abuse, which are alleged to have taken place while the child is in my care. Procedure: †¢ I keep up to date with child protection issues and relevant legislation by taking regular training courses and by reading relevant publications. This helps me be aware of the signs of abuse or neglect and what to do if I have a concern. †¢ I have copies of, and am familiar with, the local Safeguarding Children Board procedures. Every six months I check that I have the latest version of the relevant procedures. †¢ I have a copy of the relevant booklets and guidance; I have read them and understand them. If I am concerned about a child’s welfare, I may contact the local authority, the NSPCC, the National Childminding Association (NCMA), or other relevant support services for advice, providing this does not affect confidentiality. Child protection concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential and only shared with people who need to know this information. Parents must notify me of any concerns they have about their child and any accidents, incidents or injuries affecting the child, which will be recorded. I work together with parents to make sure the care of their child is consistent. If I notice: †¢ significant changes in behaviour †¢ unexpected bruising or marks †¢ any comments made which give me cause for concern †¢ deterioration in general wellbeing which causes concern I will implement the local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) procedures in England, without delay to minimise any risk to the child. I will call the local social services’ duty desk and follow it up with a letter within 48 hours. I will keep a factual record of the concern and will ask the parents for an explanation, providing it would not put the child at risk. The national standards for registered childminders in England and Wales require me to let Ofsted know of any concerns that I have reported without delay. If a child tells me that they or another child is being abused, I will: †¢ Show that I have heard what they are saying, and that I take their allegations seriously †¢ Encourage the child to talk, but I will not prompt them or ask them leading questions. I will not interrupt when a child is recalling significant events and will not make a child repeat their account †¢ Explain what actions I must take, in a way that is appropriate to the age and understanding of the child †¢ Write down what I have been told using exact words where possible †¢ Make a note of the date, time, place and people who were present at the discussion †¢ Then report my concerns immediately to the duty social worker who has the experience and responsibility to make an assessment of the situation. If an allegation is made against me, I will report it to Ofsted and social services following the Safeguarding Children Board procedures in England. I will also contact NCMA’s safeguarding children service on for advice and support. In all instances I will record: †¢ Child’s full name and address †¢ Date and time of the record †¢ Factual details of the concern, for example bruising, what the child said, who was present †¢ Details of any previous concerns †¢ Details of any explanations from the parents †¢ Any action taken such as speaking to parents. It is not my responsibility to attempt to investigate the situation myself. By signing this policy you are agree that you have read and agree with my Safeguarding Policy |Childminder’s name | | |Childminder’s signature | | |Date | | |Parent(s)’ name | | |Parent(s)’ signature | | |Date | | | | | |Date policy was written | 27/07/2011 | |Date policy due for renewal | 27/07/2012 | Useful telephone numbers NCMA allegations and complaints service for anyone concerned about the welfare of a child 0845 880 0044 NCMA Safeguarding Children Service 0845 880 0044 NSPCC child protection helpline – 24-hour helpline for people worried about a child 0808 800 5000 Equal Opportunities Policy Equal opportunities statement: I always aim to offer a quality childcare. I give all children in my care the opportunity to reach their full potential. Sometimes this means adapting an activity to the child’s ability and stage of development, providing additional resources or giving one child more attention and support than others during a particular activity or routine. I value and respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society valuing all children equally, and treating each with equal concern and without discrimination. All children in my care are given the opportunity to play with all the toys (subject to health and safety with children under 3 years of age). No toys are just for girls or just for boys. I try to ensure my toys reflect positive images of children and people from different cultures and with different abilities. I have toys and resources that challenge stereotypical ideas on what careers are open to men and women. Equal Opportunities procedure: No child in my care will be discriminated against in anyway, whether for their skin colour, culture, gender, ability or religion. I will challenge any remarks that I feel are inappropriate. I will make sure that I actively promote equality of opportunity and anti discriminatory practices for all children: †¢ I encourage the children in my care to learn more about their own culture and to find out about the culture and religions of other children. We do in this in a fun way through sharing books, colouring sheets, cooking and eating food from around the world and celebrating special festivals. I provide resources such as woks and chopsticks, dressing up clothes, crayons and pencils. †¢ I encourage the children to develop a healthy respect of each other’s differences and to value everyone as an individual. †¢ I encourage Parents to share with us any festivals, special occasions or artefacts, which may enhance the children’s learning and understanding. By signing this policy you are agree that you have read and agree with my Equal Opportunities Policy |Childminder’s name | | |Childminder’s signature | | |Date | | |Parent(s)’ name | | |Parent(s)’ signature | | |Date | | | | | |Date policy was written | 27/07/2011 | |Date policy due for renewal | 27/07/2012 | Emergency Evacuation Procedure In order to keep the children and myself safe I have developed the following procedure to evacuate my home in the event of an emergency. This may be as a result of a fire, flooding, gas leak etc. The children will regularly practice the evacuation procedure with me so they will not be alarmed in the event of the situation being real. Practices will be carried out on different days of the week to ensure all children practice and the details recorded in the evacuation log. †¢ Sound the alarm (this is a whistle) †¢ Evacuate the children using the safest and nearest exit available (Babies and toddlers will be carried to safety) †¢ Take: o Attendance Record for the day o Contact numbers o Mobile phone †¢ Assemble across the road from the house (at the end of the garden if leaving via the rear of the house) †¢ Contact the emergency services †¢ Comfort and reassure the children †¢ Arrange safe place for the children to stay until parents can collect them †¢ Follow the instructions of the Emergency Services †¢ Do not return to the building until the Emergency Services have declared it safe to do so Unexpected Closure of Childminding Service I will do my best to provide a service for the hours and times that I have been contracted to work however very occasionally it may be necessary to close my childminding service. This may be as a result of me being unwell and therefore unable to work. If I have a cough or a cold I will continue to work, however if my illness is contagious then I will not be able to work, until I know I can not pass on the infection to the children or their parents. I will try to provide as much notice as possible if I am unable to work. There may be other occasions when I am unable to provide a service, for example: †¢ Following emergency evacuation of my premises (see evacuation policy) †¢ Loss of power to my home †¢ Mains water turned off †¢ Heating broken †¢ Flooding †¢ Medical emergency for myself or a member of my immediate family †¢ Death within the family I will advise parents as soon as I can if I am unable to provide a service. I will work with parents where possible to find temporary emergency childcare from amongst local childminders. I will not charge you if I am unable to provide a service. Childminding Safety On Outings Policy When taking Children on Outings it is essential that proper planning is done to ensure the safety of all children involved. I obtain written parental permission for all routine and special outings. I inform parents of any planned special trips for example to the coast or a local farm. I ensure that I take with me everything I may need, emergency Contact cards for the children, First Aid Kit, Nappies and changing bag (if required) spare clothes, mobile phone, drinks and a healthy snack. I have developed plans on what to do in the event of an emergency. I carry a contact card for each child. I have also a card on me that explains that I am a registered Childminder. I will make sure to organise outings to fit in with the needs of the children, and ensure that I have the necessary equipment and resources to keep them safe. Olly’s house rules My workplace is also my family home and I would expect all adults and children that I welcome in my home to treat me, my family and my belongings with respect. I have a few house rules that all children will be taught and expected to follow whilst in my home. This is for the safety and well being of everyone. †¢ We keep our coats, shoes and belongings tidied away †¢ Adults/Children leave dirty or muddy shoes at the door †¢ We wash hands after going to the toilet/touching the animals/before and after eating †¢ We like eating our meals at the table †¢ We walk in the house (Running, jumping, throwing, fighting or wrestling we enjoy when we play outdoor) †¢ Older children not allowed pick up babies or toddlers †¢ We say please, thank you and sorry when needed †¢ We will be kind to each other and look after each other †¢ We play nicely with the toys †¢ Sharing is a good thing to do and good manners should be used at all times †¢ We all walking together hading hands when out and about †¢ And we remember to have fun!!! (
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Is Your Job Exempt From Overtime Pay
Is Your Job Exempt From Overtime Pay Are you wondering if you’re exempt from overtime pay? Thanks to the U.S. Labor Department and President Obama, there is a new overtime pay threshold for people working more than 40 hours per week. By the current rule, you would only be eligible for guaranteed time-and-a-half overtime pay if you made less than $23,660 per year. The new threshold is much higher: $47, 476 per year. This is part of a planned Fair Labor Standards Act update, the details of which have been in the works since 2014. Previous regulations made most white collar workers making a set salary, even a low one, ineligible for overtime pay.To quote the President, â€Å"It doesn’t make sense that in some cases this rule actually makes it possible for salaried workers to be paid less than the minimum wage†¦ If you’re working hard, you’re barely making ends meet, you should be paid for overtime. Period.†The only catch is that your employer might be reluctant to shell out. B e on the lookout for a pay raise that puts you at, say, $47,477 per year. Or a pay cut to compensate for the amount of overtime you would be making. As long as you’re making the state-regulated minimum wage, there’s nothing legally you can do to counter that sort of sneaky move.But, look on the bright side! Starting December 1 of this year, if you make less than $913 a week before tax, your employer is legally required to start paying you time-and-a-half overtime for any hour you work above 40. This rule will be due for an update again in 2020.Here’s hoping for more overtime protection for more workers, this year and in the future.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on To Autumn
In the poem â€Å"To Autumn†, by John Keats, there are three stanzas, which are almost like three different poems in one. The first stanza describes summer, the next fall, and the last is looking for spring. In the first stanza, Keats begins to describe summer. He doesn’t tell you this right away, but from the wording and the metaphors you can figure it out. â€Å"Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness,†which is summer, â€Å"Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,†which is saying that summer and sun go together. The entire wording in this first stanza makes summer sound like a person and really gives it a personality. Saying that summer and the sun are going to decide how and how much each plant will grow or bare fruit. They are the bestest of friends and will decide the fate of how nature is going to happen. Will this plant bare the most fruit, or will this one? But then they will decide when summer will end, â€Å"For Summer has o’er-brimmed their clammy cells.†When nature has had too much, that is. In the second stanza of John Keats’ poem â€Å"To Autumn†, the topic switches to autumn. How ironic. â€Å"Who hath not seen thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬ he asks. Where is Autumn? â€Å"Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind,†is such a greatly worded line. Here, the author is talking about Autumn, again like a person like he did with Summer. Keats is saying he Autumn has hair, and that Autumn’s hair is a billowing cloud of straw. Now, this isn’t what he is saying that happens really, it’s just a metaphor. But such a beautiful way to describe a season! Autumn is surrounded with the smell of poppies, and twined flowers. Autumn lays its head across a brook, or on a cider-press, and watches as it slowly fades away and becomes the next season, Spring. The last stanza, Keats describes the songs of Spring. A little different than the first two stanzas where he was describing the actual seasons. Instead of the season Spring, it’s the son... Free Essays on To Autumn Free Essays on To Autumn In the poem â€Å"To Autumn†, by John Keats, there are three stanzas, which are almost like three different poems in one. The first stanza describes summer, the next fall, and the last is looking for spring. In the first stanza, Keats begins to describe summer. He doesn’t tell you this right away, but from the wording and the metaphors you can figure it out. â€Å"Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness,†which is summer, â€Å"Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,†which is saying that summer and sun go together. The entire wording in this first stanza makes summer sound like a person and really gives it a personality. Saying that summer and the sun are going to decide how and how much each plant will grow or bare fruit. They are the bestest of friends and will decide the fate of how nature is going to happen. Will this plant bare the most fruit, or will this one? But then they will decide when summer will end, â€Å"For Summer has o’er-brimmed their clammy cells.†When nature has had too much, that is. In the second stanza of John Keats’ poem â€Å"To Autumn†, the topic switches to autumn. How ironic. â€Å"Who hath not seen thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬ he asks. Where is Autumn? â€Å"Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind,†is such a greatly worded line. Here, the author is talking about Autumn, again like a person like he did with Summer. Keats is saying he Autumn has hair, and that Autumn’s hair is a billowing cloud of straw. Now, this isn’t what he is saying that happens really, it’s just a metaphor. But such a beautiful way to describe a season! Autumn is surrounded with the smell of poppies, and twined flowers. Autumn lays its head across a brook, or on a cider-press, and watches as it slowly fades away and becomes the next season, Spring. The last stanza, Keats describes the songs of Spring. A little different than the first two stanzas where he was describing the actual seasons. Instead of the season Spring, it’s the son...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Assimilation - Voiced and Unvoiced French Sounds
Assimilation - Voiced and Unvoiced French Sounds Assimilation is a pronunciation phenomenon which causes consonant sounds to change according to the sounds that surround them. More specifically, assimilation occurs when voiced and unvoiced sounds are combined. Because it can be difficult to pronounce voiced and unvoiced sounds together, one or the other is assimilated: either a normally voiced consonant becomes unvoiced or a normally unvoiced consonant becomes voiced.Voicing - La Sonorità ©Voiced sounds (les sons sonores) occur when the vocal cords vibrate, while unvoiced consonants (les consonnes sourdes) are pronounced without vibrating the vocal cords. To understand the difference, place your hand on your Adams apple and say D and T. You should feel your vocal cords vibrate with the first sound but not the second.The voiced French consonants and sounds are B, D, G, J, L, M, N, R, V, Z, and all vowels.The unvoiced French consonant sounds are CH, F, K, P, S, and T.All unvoiced consonants have a voiced equivalent; i.e., the pairs are pronounced in the same place in the mouth/throat but the first is unvoiced while the second is voiced: CH - JF - VK - GP - BS - ZT - D Assimilation absent [ap sa(n)]obturation [uhp tu ra syo(n)] mà ©decin exact seconde is pronounced [seu go(n)d] rather than [seu ko(n)d].
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Romanticism and Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Romanticism and Russia - Essay Example The basic premise of Romanticism is that everything cannot be explained by reason or logic. Romanticism also upholds the fact that the human emotion is pure and expressing it was important. This was a reaction to the previous movement which is Enlightenment. Enlightenment emphasizes the power of logic and the scientific method over anything else. The romantics, on the other hand, looked for deeper and more meaningful meanings other than numbers and the like. The romantics are more sensual and more rooted to conveying human emotion (Moscovici, 3). And in contrast with the Neo-Classicists, the Romanticists in not just an observer to the creations of the divine but now a creator of fragile meaning and beauty. Romanticists also point out the frailties of the human beings, hence, the common themes of depression and despair on romantic literature (Moscovici, 9). It also asserted the importance of the individual and personal experiences, making a unique hero, because promotes originality. E xamples of this would be Frankenstein and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Romanticism also posits relativism in all aspects. There are no absolute truths unlike in Classicism or Enlightenment. For romantics, there is no right and wrong, even in aspects of morality, but each society was encouraged to make their own sets of rules . According to the Romantics, the theories of Enlightenment prevent emotions and creativity, turning man into a robot and man must liberate himself from these chains – through romanticism. Romanticists are also socially involved, as well as politically (Melani). However, they were also a bit aloof as they often distance themselves from the public, preferring to live in far flung areas. As noted, these romanticists express their own thoughts and feelings and as noted earlier too, this period was happening almost in the same era when the French Revolution also took place (late 1700s). Many authors tried to uphold romanticism in the revolution and the revolu tion, also partly owes some of its principles on Romanticism. With this, artist took stands, wrote works with highly politicized subjects. In other countries, like Germany for example, romanticism boosted nationalism by letting nationalism have an intellectual anchor. Romanticism links various branches of knowledge, from art and humanities to social sciences, psychology, politics and in philosophy . II. Russian Revolution There are two Russian Revolutions. The first one was in 1905, but it did not really gain momentum and failed to revolutionize the government, so to speak. This essay will focus on the 1917 revolution. The 1917 revolution transformed Russia into the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic from monarchy. This had two phases, one led by the peasants and the other phase led by the Bolsheviks (Palmer, Colton and Kramer, 725). The 1917 happened during the last phases of the World War 1. The World War 1 happened in 1914 and Russia was in it. Most of their resources were put o n the efforts for the World War 1 and many soldiers died. On March of 1917, when it was said to be one of the coldest and snowiest winters in St. Petersburg, many people were starving as the weather kept them from city markets (Banks, et al, 535). Workers, most of them hungry, lined up for hours just to get bread. These workers are quite impoverished compared to the Russian monarchy. They have very little money and they hope to spend it on little loaves of bread out in the cold (Banks, et al, 535). The people protested yet again (just like in 1905, Bloody Sunday) when the skies cleared. For four days, people went out in the streets of St. Petersburg and shouted statements like â€Å"Down with the government!†, â€Å"Down with war!â€
Friday, October 18, 2019
Management in Egypt Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management in Egypt - Research Paper Example The extent to which an individual can be good as a manager is influenced by a lot of factors that include but are not limited to age, region, religion, culture, gender, experience and knowledge. One of the most significant and influential among these factors is the culture that a manager belongs to. Culture sets the norms, trends and traditions upon which all business practices in a particular region base. In order to run a successful business, it is imperative that the manager fully understands and complies with the requirements of the culture that prevails in the area in which the business is conducted. There are several cultural factors that enhance an individual’s ability to manage the work. Likewise, there are many factors of cultural significance that decline the individual’s ability to manage. For example, a culture that is receptive towards external influences and elements may make it very easy for a manager to implement innovative and creative ideas in a busine ss setting. On the other hand, such a culture may easily loose the inherent goodness of the business practices as they give room to foreign elements. Therefore, in order to be successful as a manager in a particular culture, it is advisable to carry out a deep analysis of the culture and study its traits that may enhance or decline the eligibility of an individual as a manager. This paper aims at discussing the positive and negative influences of the Egyptian culture upon management. Management in Egyptian culture: Egypt has a very formal set up of business, and there are a lot of requirements of intercultural management. In order to fulfill the requirements of the intercultural management, managers need to be courteous to their maximum capacity all the time. People in power and authority need to be dealt with utmost respect and honor. Normally, the practice involves an Egyptian agent who assumes the role of an intermediary between a manager and another professional, whose basic tas k is to arrange appointments. For an individual who has business in two different cities in Egypt at one time, it is advisable to keep two different agents for each so that matters can be addressed with full formality. Agents for business can be got from the â€Å"commercial attache of the Egyptian Embassy in your country, the commercial section of your country’s embassy in Egypt, or the Egyptian Department of Commerce†(kwintessential). Formality is the key trait of business in Egypt. When people meet one another, tea or coffee is commonly served and is assumed as a symbol of hospitality. The beverage an individual offers in the business in Egypt represents the individual in person. Therefore, if the person who is offered the beverage does not accept it, he/she essentially rejects the offer maker. In order to display hospitality and comply with the requirements of ethics, it is compulsory for the guest to take at least a sip, if not drink the whole cup. Egyptians plac e a lot of emphasis on an individual’s looks and the way he carries himself. In the Egyptian culture, people are judged by their appearances. Managers are essentially people in power, so they should develop and maintain a high status. Therefore, in order for an individual to be successful and respected as a manager, it is imperative that he presents himself in a highly professional way and makes stay in some international hotel of extreme standard. Also, managers in Egypt do not differentiate between their personal and professional life. Both go side by side and often merge into each other. Managers tend to assist their subordinates in all aspects of the job. Managers
Americans in Poverty Cannot Eat with Integrity Essay
Americans in Poverty Cannot Eat with Integrity - Essay Example Many poor Americans cannot eat food with integrity because they do not like being seen as if they are poor yet they are poor. Even if they wish to eat with integrity, they do not know what to eat that will not affect their health. They want to associate themselves with the food taken by the high and the mighty in the nation (Ikerd). They decline from taking the best food that is free from intoxications brought about by preservation methods, processing and so many other processes food is passed through up to the point of being sold. In the process of transporting the processed food, there are various things done to the food which results in intoxication (Nielsen 31). The methods used to grow food also affect the quality of food hence making it harmful to the human health for instance, if genetically modified organisms were used. There are a lot of wastes from the industrial farming which affects the quality of the food people eat. This affects the conventions of producing integrity fo ods. The quality of food with integrity needs to be produced in consistent with the values of the community, beliefs and principles. This is not possible nowadays because there is a lot of inhumane handling of animal bred for food purposes. There are few people entrusted to handling food growth that is free from chemicals but none is focused to ensure they act upon the needs of the people. Americans shunned the foods with integrity because no fair treatment of food with integrity can be trusted. The people responsible for protesting or become citizen activists become silenced by the emerging giant industries producing such foods (Nielsen 30). The Americans have shown a preference for foods grown in the United States than from other regions. Most of the Americans capitalize on eating organic foods because they do not contain pesticide residues and other effects of farming effects but, it is hard to tell the difference with the GMOs. The genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are known to be harmful to the health or individuals (Ikerd). Whether the Americans are poor or not, they tend to be strict about the food they eat because they do not like contamination of the unhealthy food. They cannot eat food that have been killed humanely because they feel that meat from genetically modified organisms provide a means of maximizing exposure to the growth of antibiotics and hormones that are fed to animals. These antibiotics are given to animals under inhumane conditions and environment which is why they fear the meat even if it is killed in humane procedures (Eating with Integrity). American historical commitments into organic food influence how they consider the organic substances in relation to the inorganic or the genetically modified organism. They are committed to ensuring that the society has a healthy foundation by watching the food they take as well as the drinks (Ikerd). All this is done to build healthy communities and permanence within the society. The organi c movement that is rampant in the country emphasizes of the health more than safety of the food (Ikerd). Because of the fact that people want to watch their health, they advocate for safe eating habits than taking of food with chemicals that can intoxicate their health. There is an international slow food movement which provides tangible evidence of the new global culture of food. The slow food is a worldwide movement that has more than eighty thousand members in one hundred countries.
The Membership of the European Union and Employment in the UK Essay
The Membership of the European Union and Employment in the UK - Essay Example However in late Britain tends to understand and respect its long-standing membership with such a potential body like the European Union (Euromove, 2011). In the current era, United Kingdom is thus making every endeavor to help resolve conflicts pertaining to ideologies through holding open discussion forums with the members of the European Union (Perth and Hope, 2011). The employment relation policies followed in the European Union can be understood as follows. Firstly the European Union requires the employer bodies in the different member states to encourage its members to actively participate in the formation of trade unions. In that, the employees are rendered the right to collectively bargain for their right in cases where they are deprived of such and also can hold strikes as a sign to protest against the decisions of the employer body. Secondly, the employment relation policies followed by the European Union also require the employers to form collective agreements with the employees or representative bodies of the employees in regards to issues on compensation systems, leave policies and working hours and conditions in the concern. These policies of the European Union are found to be active whether in regards to a single employer or a group of employers in regards to a specific business or diversified business categories (Business Link, n.d.) . In the third case, the European Union body also requires the different employers belonging to the companies in the member nations to openly consult and share potential information with the different employees or employee groups. This policy tends to enhance the level of transparency in regards to the employer-employee relationships in the member countries. Fourthly the employer bodies pertaining to the member nations are strictly required to have a word with the representative bodies of the employees in the light of working out a redundancy plan. Herein, the employer bodies are required to effectively state as to how many numbers of people they require to be made redundant with also stating the need for planning of such action. Further, the employer bodies are also required to state plans through which the company would tend to reemploy the redundant employees or help them gain a suitable position in the future. The employers are also required to state in what manner they have calculated and arrived at the number of employees they require to be turned off and therein must also reflect on the pattern taken to effectively compensate such people. Similarly, in the fifth case, the European Union body also requires the employer bodies pertaining to the companies operating in the member countries to rightly inform the staff in cases of any change or transfer of ownership into new hands. Sixthly the European Union also requires the employer or the management team of the companies operating inside its member countries and possessing an employee base of around 20 to continually inform them about the economic and employment status of the concern. In that, the employers are also required to inform the internal people about any substantial changes that the employers consider to bring about in the near future.  However, the general legislation brought about by the European Union in regards to employment relations must also be effectively dealt with country or regi on-specific circumstances to help enhance its due efficacy.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Holocaust - Essay Example While the findings of eugenic scientists were flawed, the science itself followed all the rules of the scientific method. Eugenics was considered as the cutting edge of science. Unfortunately, the scientists failed to recognize how their own prejudices were harming the results of their experiments. Most scientists, philosophers and even common man believed in the inequality of man. It was believed that certain people were "unworthy of life". The person's worth was based not just on his "worth to himself but also on his worth to the society". The handicapped and the mentally When Hitler cam to power in 1933, he had a dream of building a utopian German society. Obviously, such a utopian society could not include the handicapped and the "feeble-minded people". Hitler and the Nazis were even more radical than the eugenic scientists, in that they did not just stop at the handicapped and the feeble-minded but believed that the Gypsies and the Jews also polluted the society. Soon the scientists and the politicians were synchronized as those who opposed were fired. Hitler systematically implemented a policy of exclusion to exclude the handicapped, the Gypsies and the Jews. At first a series of legislations and laws were passed by the Nazi government to marginalize this people in the society. The Blood Protection law was passed to exclude the Gypsies and the Jews. Next a campaign was carried out to sterilize the handicapped and the feeble-minded. The first step towards the final solution began with Euthanasia or mercy killing of handicapped children. It seems that the first Euthanasia was carried out at the behest of an infant's father, who had been born with severe handicap. This first euthanasia opened the flood gates of further killings. Soon it moved from killing children to the adults. By 1939 the sterilizations had ended and the killings had started. Friedlander carefully documents the work carried out by the physicians in the T4 Operation, which proved that the killings were sponsored by the Reich. When it became difficult to kill using the Narcotics, the Nazi Germany invented the "gas chambers". In 1941, owing to public outcry, Hitler was forced to end adult euthanasia. However, his orders did not actually end the killings. In hospitals, doctors continued to carry out "racial hygiene". And when the German Army crossed the borders of Poland, the T4 physicians were called to "process" the people at the concentration camps. Friedlander has done some careful research and shows how holocaust was not just about the Jews but also included the Gypsies and the handicapped. He successfully shows that it was not anti-Semitism or personal hatred by the underlying principle of eugenics which led to the holocaust. Friedlander has resorted to a number of tables to show how
Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Marketing Plan - Essay Example Also, it is a sports drink which hydrates human body as well gives guaranteed additional 6 hours of energy for performing the daily activities. This marketing plan is meant to be effective only in the United States and as of now the company does not have any plans to operate in the overseas market. The study carried out a detailed analysis of the energy drink market of USA in order to get an idea of the business environment. The study revealed that the industry is fiercely competitive due to the presence of a large number of established players. However, Coca Cola being an established firm will get certain advantages in the market such as the brand identity and trust of consumers. The short term objective of the company is to create awareness of the product and achieve 2-5% of the market share by the end of the 1st year. In order to achieve it, the company has been strongly recommended to use a variety of promotional techniques and pursue a competitive pricing strategy. In addition, intensive distribution and entering into a treaty with sports companies has also been recommended. Situation Analysis Before the launch of a new product in the market, it is essential to perform a thorough analysis of the external business environment of a country. In addition, the industry in which the business will operate also needs to be assessed. Apart from that it is also essential to assess the competitors and customers. The sections below will try to examine the aforementioned factors and draw a conclusion based on which the marketing strategy for the energy drink will be designed. Description of the Product The product which will be marketed is an energy drink named as Hydra-Energy Shot. The product generally falls into the category of sports beverage product and is meant for providing additional energy to the consumers. The product can be described as smooth in taste, contains added electrolyte, Vitamin B12 (for energy), assorted fruit flavors and low in calorie. The produ ct promises to provide an additional 6 hours of energy to the consumers for performing their routine activities. Customer Analysis A business cannot operate in vacant and requires a base of customers for continuing operation and sustaining in the marketplace over a long period of time. The analysis of the customer is the recording and evaluating the data associated with the needs of consumers as well as market trends. Hydra-Energy Shot will principally target sportspersons. In addition, the product is also targeted for office goers and individuals who work out at different fitness centers. Energy drinks generally falls into the group of functional beverages and encompasses ‘nutraceutical’ and sports drinks. The share of the same is presented in the figure below: - Figure 1 – Market Share breakdown of Functional Beverages (Source: Heckman, Sherry & De Mejia, 2010) Sports drinks are essentially designed to consume before or during the process of action so as to pre vent any kind of dehydration and supply carbohydrate and electrolytes for maintaining proper metabolism in the system (Coombes & Hamilton 2000). Smith Kline Beecham Energy & Sports Drinks Report suggests that in the USA, around 53% of the people who consumes energy or sports drinks are within the age group of 14-34 years. Initially, athletes are the sole consumers of energy drinks, but the course of time and increased awareness the market grew tremendously and expanded to other niche segments. A study by Mintel (2009) made
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Holocaust - Essay Example While the findings of eugenic scientists were flawed, the science itself followed all the rules of the scientific method. Eugenics was considered as the cutting edge of science. Unfortunately, the scientists failed to recognize how their own prejudices were harming the results of their experiments. Most scientists, philosophers and even common man believed in the inequality of man. It was believed that certain people were "unworthy of life". The person's worth was based not just on his "worth to himself but also on his worth to the society". The handicapped and the mentally When Hitler cam to power in 1933, he had a dream of building a utopian German society. Obviously, such a utopian society could not include the handicapped and the "feeble-minded people". Hitler and the Nazis were even more radical than the eugenic scientists, in that they did not just stop at the handicapped and the feeble-minded but believed that the Gypsies and the Jews also polluted the society. Soon the scientists and the politicians were synchronized as those who opposed were fired. Hitler systematically implemented a policy of exclusion to exclude the handicapped, the Gypsies and the Jews. At first a series of legislations and laws were passed by the Nazi government to marginalize this people in the society. The Blood Protection law was passed to exclude the Gypsies and the Jews. Next a campaign was carried out to sterilize the handicapped and the feeble-minded. The first step towards the final solution began with Euthanasia or mercy killing of handicapped children. It seems that the first Euthanasia was carried out at the behest of an infant's father, who had been born with severe handicap. This first euthanasia opened the flood gates of further killings. Soon it moved from killing children to the adults. By 1939 the sterilizations had ended and the killings had started. Friedlander carefully documents the work carried out by the physicians in the T4 Operation, which proved that the killings were sponsored by the Reich. When it became difficult to kill using the Narcotics, the Nazi Germany invented the "gas chambers". In 1941, owing to public outcry, Hitler was forced to end adult euthanasia. However, his orders did not actually end the killings. In hospitals, doctors continued to carry out "racial hygiene". And when the German Army crossed the borders of Poland, the T4 physicians were called to "process" the people at the concentration camps. Friedlander has done some careful research and shows how holocaust was not just about the Jews but also included the Gypsies and the handicapped. He successfully shows that it was not anti-Semitism or personal hatred by the underlying principle of eugenics which led to the holocaust. Friedlander has resorted to a number of tables to show how
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
End of White America Essay Example for Free
End of White America Essay Racism and prejudice have always existed in human history. Being a taboo subject and a debated issue, many people have tried to explain and find the reason to such conduct concerning another group of people. Such researches are the hope of many to see the racial discrimination ending. Vincent N. Parillo, through his essay Causes of Prejudice tries to explain the reasons of racism in the U. S. Parillo divides his essay in two parts, one for the psychological causes and one for the social reasons. In the first part, Parillo cites the main psychological causes as: levels of prejudices self-justification, personality and frustration. In the second part he transactions into the social explanations, which are: socialization, economic competition and social norms. For each cause he gives strong arguments based on historical data and actual facts and statistics which made his essay reliable. Along the same lines Hua Hsu in â€Å"The End of White America? †argues that America is becoming post racial. According to him race will matter less and less and whiteness will come to an end. Hsu is positive and confident that Americans will overcome resentment stimulated up by these changes and produce a culture in which race won’t be an important factor. These feelings might have been embedded within the people over a really long time and it will take a lot of time and determination to overcome the resentement that is stirred up from within the people. Parrillo provides a great deal of emphasiz into prejudice and the potential or future problems posed by the changing power dynamic between the roles to help us understand the shift and the reason behind the shift. Will Hsu’s words come true? Will white regain their power? Or will they remain threatened about their fading culture and value in America. In my opinion white people have lost power but the only reason that happened is because now there is a more variety due to people immigrating to America and therefore white people are not a majority anymore and have more competition. A couple of decades ago, children were easily influenced by the decisions of others due to demographic shift. In the 1950’s the culture was mostly white. Either people were white, were forced to be white or wanted to be white to fit in. This was because most of the population was white. Accoring to Hsu by the 2050’s white will no longer be there and that most American’s will no longer be white. Hsu always carefully observed the shift in culture which has already started taking place. He touches upon the subject of the white people not having a strong culture. Parrillo talks about different types of prejudice. He states that in the socialization process, people learn the â€Å"values, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of their culture or subculture†(Hsu, 504). Children are being easily swayed because they are taught to obey their parents, and respect that which often takes on the beliefs and ideas of their parents without them knowing what is right or wrong or what they want and don’t. The beliefs of a child’s parents also become the child’s beliefs at a very young age because their parents are the ones that are with them every step of the way. It is believed that people learn from their parents and from others in society may be stereotypes since they don’t have a mind of their own at that age to judge what is true or not. However, many people don’t recognize this, since people are so accustomed to hearing these stereotypes. One example that Parrillo gives is of the Jim Crow laws of the 1890’s and the early 20th century. â€Å"Prejudice, like cultural values is taught and learned through the socialization process. The prevailing prejudicial attitudes and actions may be deeply embedded in custom or law, although socialization explains how prejudicial attitudes may be transmitted from the generation to the next, it does not explain their origin or why they intensify or diminish over the years†(394). The people who grew up with Jim Crow laws accepted them as normal, though they weren’t. Things in the world are slowly and gradually changing. Before, parents used to influence their child’s thoughts and beliefs; however, nowadays other elements influence the child’s beliefs. Watching Dora and more TV shows which give out little facts that are stored in the child’s mind and therefore the child is affected by it. This therefore has influenced the youth greatly, â€Å"the youth market is following the same pattern: consider the cheetah girls or Dora the Explorer, the precocious bilingual seven year old Latina adventurer who is arguably the most successful animated character on children’s television today†(Hsu, 503). They are getting more swayed by the shows. Several decades ago they did what their parents did or asked of them. The only factor that influenced the kids judgment was their parents but now things are different and a lot more influences them like characters, shows, media, and society and therefore parents involvement in their children’s judgment has decreased over the years because so many other factors are more appealing. Hsu gives an explain of Dora, since she is a character who does not conform to the â€Å"white middle class mold†. Referring to different types of prejudice according to Parrillo, it would have to be social norms, since the norms are what society or parents teach their children in that time period. â€Å"By learning and automatically accepting the prevailing prejudices, an individual is simply conforming to the norms. This theory holds that a direct relationship exists between degree of conformity and degree of prejudice†(396). Peoples prejudice would increase or decrease only if the people were introduced to something that is not the norm and most of the kids in today’s world make their own decisions by getting influenced by their own interests and not their parents. Socialization and social norms instill in people certain attitudes, which can manifest themselves under the stress of economic competition. An additional sociological view of prejudice is that of economic competition. The young kids today are the future of tomorrow and therefore economic competition is much more visible in today’s world than it was a few decades ago. People are more â€Å"hostile toward others when they feel that their security is threatened thus many social scientists conclude that economic competition and conflict breed prejudice†(Parrillo, 394). This viewpoint is based on the confidence that when people feel as though their security is being exposed, people are more forceful and unpromising. â€Å"Considerable evidence shows that negative stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination increase markedly whenever competition for available jobs increases†(394). Which is therefore one of the reasons that people are prejudiced because of economic competition which exists a lot in the world of today. Adding Hua Hsu’s thoughts into this, his main example is hip-hop. â€Å"During popular musics rise in the twentieth century while artists and produced main streamed African American innovations. But hip-hop the sound of the post civil-rights, post-soul generation was a global audience on its own terms†(502). Instead of being watered down and whitened like black music in the past, it has remained unmistakably black and yet has taken over the music industry. Sean Combs, like Barack Obama, can be black and yet be accepted by Americans of all colors and reach the top of his field. According to Census data, about 50% of Latinos identify themselves as white. How one identifies them is shaped by both personal and social factors. Due to this de-indianized immigrants click on white in the census. They believed being white was a step closer to being American. This is having a drastic shift according to Hua Hsu. â€Å" Whiteness is no longer a threat or an ideal; its kitsch to be appropriated, whether with gestures like combo’s white parties or the trickle-down epidemic of collared shirts and cuff links currently afflicting rappers†(502) and therefore an expansive multiculturalism is going to be replacing the â€Å"us against the world mentality that lent a thrilling edge to hip-hops mid 1990’s rise†(503). Economic competition now plays a major part in today’s world as it did decades ago. Decades ago, life was a different ball game and people were content with what they had but today every little things are a competition. May it be a battle between the sexes or a competition between who has a better job. To claim that a person is White but against ignorance and oppression is like saying one â€Å"hates the concept of baseball but is a Boston Red Sox fan†. How does white exist outside of the historical background of America’s social rift? Eventually, the same subject pertains to all Americas racial colors that were used for whiteness to even exist. The difference, however, is that behind minority racial colors is a concrete culture whether it be Indian, Mexican, Native American, Chinese etc. that contributes to a greater American background that belongs to everyone, but is institutionally coordinated by the one racial demographic bereft of culture. (Hsu, 504) So again, what do you think defines the identity of whiteness and more importantly how is it exclusive to being a white person? A cultures constitution is formed by how it has come into existence and the methods used to maintain its traditions. White is not a race. It is a arranged social notion designed on isolating the human race. The young is the future of tomorrow, which is why economic competition plays such a big role. Self- Justification and frustration are other levels of prejudice mentioned in Parrillo’s theories. It â€Å"involves denigrating a person or group to justify maltreatment of them. In this situation, self-justification leads to prejudice and discrimination against members of another group†(387). Parrillo also relates this to a person’s financial status; â€Å"a person may avoid social contact with groups deemed inferior and associate only with those identified as being of high status†(387). When people feel inferior to other person, they react to it and want someone to feel inferior to them. According to Hsu â€Å"Pop culture today rallies around an ethic of multicultural inclusion that seems to value every identityâ€â€except whiteness†(503). The white culture is declining and the white people are surrounded by so much diversity that they feel like they are so bland compared to them. They don’t feel exotic or different anymore. â€Å"The classic thing white students say when you ask them to talk about who they are is, ‘I don’t have a culture’†(505). A few decades ago white people took pride in being different and exotic. But now slowly and gradually they are becoming a minority because of all the immigrants. â€Å"People tend to be more hostile toward others when they feel that their security is threatened†(Parrillo, 394). White people are more accepting to other cultures and races now since they feel like they are threatened because of the amount of immigrants present in America right now. Since the white people feel like their culture is faded they are getting more paranoid and frustrated. â€Å"Frustration is a result of relative deprivation in which expectations remain unsatisfied†(391). When one does not have sufficient resources in their lives, and their lives are compared to other individuals, they feel inferior and humiliated. With all these immigrants coming to the United States it is making us the majority race, and with all the white people moving away they are giving us the opportunity to overpopulate and put the standards high for whites to accommodate to our lifestyles. This therefore is fading the white culture as due to the immigrants they don’t feel like they are exotic anymore. They believed that everyone wanted to be a white American but now the definition of American itself is changing. It is not a typical rich, white person anymore. I believe that throughout the years, races will all have their chances in population and high power, because it all depends on what race is growing and succeeding at that time of that period. I do not think that whites will become a minority because as i stated before, we all have a time when a race is higher than others and when some are lower than others. If that day does come when whites become minorities, then I sure hope they get the thrive to come up again because I believe that for a country to be successful it needs all types of cultures, races and ethnicity. Even if one race does become the main focus, it is not till to long and it will fade away eventually due to all the immigrants that are present and coming to America.
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