Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Student Argument Essay Samples and How to Avoid It
A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Student Argument Essay Samples and How to Avoid It The Appeal of Student Argument Essay Samples Just save these points and continue reading to find out what each among them should consist of to have the desired influence on the target audience. These sites can be greatly beneficial for you whether you interested in finding a completely free sample that correlates with your wants and requirements. An argumentative essay example will reveal the should possess some crucial components which make it better in the practice of convincing. Do not trust your own comprehension or unsubstantiated suppositions to generate your case. Student Argument Essay Samples: No Longer a Mystery Searching for inexpensive customized essays, you might come across some totally free samples readily available online. Care ought to be taken that the data utilised in the essay is pertinent to the topic. Watch this video to find out more about the An argumentative essay is a certain type of academic writing. Go back over the full essay and search for any spelling or grammatical errors. If you're worried that you won't have the ability to locate an inexpensive essay writing service capable of dealing with your academic papers, we're here to prove you wrong. It is advised to look for the one which has a very good reputation and offers high-quality papers at very affordable rates. Regrettably, it may be hard to pick a topic for this type of paper. PaperCoach will be able to help you with all your papers, so take a look at this time! There are quite a lot of ways to compose an essay so you'll hardly locate an all-included recipe for a great many essay occasions. Possessing a well written introduction is important to a thriving essay. You may have a look at the extra details about how to compose an eye-catching essay introduction with a hook. The conclusion ought to be absolutely the most powerful portion of the essay. Before concluding the essay, it is important to summarise with a strong emphasis on the subject. Provide a quick review of the essay and tie it all back to one last argument. This part has the major argument. It's not sufficient to simply disagree with a different point of view or opinion. Emphasize your position is the very best by summarizing the key points of your argument. Do a little reading on either side of the argument, and list the points for either side. The majority of the details for the outline needs to be concentrated on the principal body. Structure The debut of the essay includes paragraph one and the very first half of paragraph two. The structure of your paper's outline is exactly like the structure of your whole essay. By now you're probably inclined to find an outstanding argumentative essay outline template. Understanding how to compose a strong argumentative paper can help you advance your very own argumentative thinking. An essay was defined in an assortment of means. Moreover, our English-speaking writers make sure every order has original content and an appropriate structure. Students may go through these samples before availing help from us so they can get a notion about the standard of the solutions we provide. When you haven't introduced any type of solution in your essay, perhaps encourage other people to become more conscious of your topic. The period student has been notoriously difficult to define even though it's such a popular word. If you get a massive ego, it would be hard for you to be considered a student. Explain the interest in this subject. Bear in mind an argumentative essay is based more on facts rather than emotion. Bear in mind that the period of your essay is dependent upon the assignment offered to you. You can also see descriptive essay. In order to really convince readers of your standpoint, the argumentative essay must also check at the opposing views. Narrative can be organized in numerous thematic or formal. Students may understand their topics using the samples readily available on our site. They can get free access to these. What You Need to Do About Student Argument Essay Samples Before It Is Too Late Becoming in a position to compose a strong argument will allow you to succeed in society. Most conclusions are just a paragraph in length as the conclusion is predicted to be an overview of the whole essay. No body is going to assist you to and you also also may help no body. Each paragraph within the body of this perceptive essay identifies and examines an unstated assumption that is essential to the argument. By showing that every assumption is extremely suspect, this essay demonstrates the weakness of the whole argument. An argumentative essay presents either side of a problem. It is a type of essay that presents arguments about both sides of an issue.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas...
Rachel Hutter: Engineer, Imagineer, and Mother â€Å"If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be and why?†This question is most commonly asked at an event filled with a large group of strangers, as an icebreaker. Many would typically answer, George Washington, Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and maybe if someone wants variety they could say someone like Marie Curie. All of these answers are superficial and simply the first historical person that someone could think of. In fact, I know I would have answered with George Washington. He was the first one to my mind, but why? Do I really want to have dinner with George Washington? What would I even talk to him about? I imagine the conversation would go something like this, â€Å" Me: So uhm, I just wanted to thank you for crossing the Delaware River and stuff, that was pretty amazing and really impacted the rest of our country and our freedoms, thank you. George: Yeah happy to, I ‘m glad I did that too. â€Å" *Proceed to eat lunch quietly because I don’t have questions nor really care. I could just read a history book and know the information I would ask from him. So when I was asked, â€Å"what engineer would I want to have dinner with?†it made me really hesitate and actually think for a minute. To then specify further and be asked what women engineer I would want dinner with made me really self reflect. What questions would I want to ask another female engineer? What are my final goals? What makesShow MoreRelatedThe War Of 1812 And The Declaration Of Independence3767 Words  | 16 Pages Angel Perez History 101 7/28/14 â€Æ' Intro For my top 10 history I have chosen the Louisianan purchase, Sons of Liberty, Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, The war of 1812, Abraham Lincoln, Eli Whitney, Jamestown, Baron Von Steuben, and Benjamin Franklin because I believe these people and events had a big effect on America. I chose the Louisiana Purchase because it was a major deal that in the end has given us 15 states. The sons of liberty were a rebel group that was a symbolRead MoreThe American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It Essay7033 Words  | 29 Pagespolitics that future leaders would adhere to. Richard Hofstadter focuses, in this chapter, on ideas that shaped policy. He does not necessarily focus on certain men, although the most common of the Founding Fathers are James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton. Another key father was John Jay who believed that the better kind will be led by their own insecurities on their social and political positions. While building the basis of AmericanRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesof here! b. Im sure Martin Luther King Jr. didnt die during the 1960s, because it says right here in the encyclopedia that he was assassinated in Memphis in 1998. c. The Republican Party began back in the 1850s as a U.S. political party. Abraham Lincoln was their first candidate to win the presidency. d. I don’t believe you when you say Martin Luther King Jr. could have been elected president if he hadn’t been assassinated. Try to discipline yourself to read and answer these sample exercisesRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century togetherâ€â€one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonizationâ€â€they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate
Monday, December 9, 2019
Current Issues in Accounting and Corporate Governance
Question: Discuss about the Current Issues in Accounting and Corporate Governance. Answer: Introduction: The stakeholder theory refers to a theory of capitalism that emphasizes the interconnected associations between the business and its stakeholders that include the consumers, suppliers, employees, investors, societies as well as others who hold a stake in the organization. However, the legitimacy theory indicates towards different explanations for different corporate environmental disclosures. Again, the institutional theory refers to different aspects of the social framework that takes into consideration different procedures, schemes, norms and principles that become established as authoritative strategies for the social behaviour. It can be opined that the contingency theories of the management accounting are an improved theory founded in the different ideas of the organizational control as well as effectiveness. Again, the theory of agency refers to the development of relationship between the theory of agency and the existing business practices of accounting theory. The use of the IDEALS framework that stands for (IDEA, DEVELOPMENT, EXPLORATION, and LONG-TERM STUDY) can help in analysing the present case study on the breach of corporate obligations of Newcrest Mining. The application of the present IDEAL procedure requires the use of the databases, news reports and other evidences that can help in assessment of the present case on Newcrest Mining. As mentioned in the case study, Newcrest Mining, the biggest gold producer has finally admitted to the Nations Securities Investments Commission as regards the violation of the company in meeting its continuous disclosures on two different occasions. Therefore, the legitimacy theory can illustrate the behaviour of the Newcrest that has not consciously admitted regarding the breach of corporate obligations intentionally. In addition to this, the biggest gold producer faced a fine for breaching the continuous disclosure. Therefore, this reflects the lack of the effectiveness of the organization and control.The contingency theory of accounting can explain this lack of the organization control and efficiency. Therefore, both the contingency theory and the legitimacy theory can be used for explaining different circumstances at New Crest.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Social Institutions of the Family(Notes) Essay Example
Social Institutions of the Family(Notes) Essay The Social institution of the family There are various types of Caribbean family forms. The emergence of the different types was largely due to historical influences that shape Caribbean civilization. Caribbean society has grown into a cosmopolitan mixture of different races and ethnic groups that construct their reality in the Caribbean. This mixture has resulted in a unique social system; plural, polarized, politicised, problematic, but still some what plantation society. This has impacted the type of family units that emerged in the region. The roles expectations by Caribbean society of mother and father coupled with the different socialization of boys and girls have influenced the many structural ways in which families are built and maintained in the Caribbean. This also affects issues related to gender construction in the family. The ever increasing proportion of matrifocal and common law unions are products of history as well as other social trends that are both local and international in scope. Family forms in the Caribbean A family can be defined as a social unit of common residence involving two adults who are in a sexual relationship. Children of either of the adults, from both, or who have been adopted also form part of this family unit. The most popular family forms in the Caribbean are: †¢ The family based on common-law union (consensual cohabitation) †¢ The nuclear family †¢ The family based on a visiting union (extra-residential) †¢ The matrifocal family †¢ The extended family †¢ The East Indian family We will write a custom essay sample on Social Institutions of the Family(Notes) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Institutions of the Family(Notes) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Institutions of the Family(Notes) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Other family types are sibling families due largely to migration of parents, and grandparent-headed families. What are the reasons for the existence of the various family forms in the region? Some theorists such as Melville Herskovits (1958) attribute the prevalence of certain types of Caribbean family forms to African society and some of the social institutions and social dynamics of those societies. The nuclear family The domestic unit of husband, wife, and child or children is regarded by many people in the Caribbean as the ideal family structure that comes into being ith the marriage of the partners. However where the nuclear family was established in the Caribbean, its existence as a small domestic unit did not always last very long, even among the middle and upper classes in these societies. The family based a common-law union The common law union is another type of domestic unit with the same basic relationships as those in the nuclear family, that is, adults are united in an ongoing bond but the bond is not based on the family as faithful concubinage (T. S Simey, 1946). To all intents and purposes the spouses are committed to each other sexually, they raise children in a stable relationship and the family functions as an economic unit. Because of the prevalence of this type of union and the existence of the relationship that it brings into being on the birth of children, several Caribbean governments have given legal recognition to these unions. Caribbean countries such as Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago and Antigua have passed legislation that affords the children of such union legitimate status as heirs to family property. Common law unions have also been known to exist for many years without persons in the community being aware that the union has not been made legal with a wedding ceremony. The family based on a visiting union A frequent occurrence in the Caribbean is the domestic unit of a woman and her child or children. In this family form, the mother and her child or children live separately but may be visited from time to time by a man with whom she shares a relationship similar to that of a spouse. The man may or may not be the father of the child or children. Quite often such a visiting union begins with a young woman being impregnated while still living in the household of her mother or parents. RT. Smith (1956) in his work on low income black families in Guyana noted the following: â€Å"It does nor by any means follow that a man will be expected to marry the girl. He will certainly be expected to support the child if he is able, and he may continue his attachment to the girl and other children be born. †R. T. Smith (1956), The Negro Family in British Guiana p. 138. Smith further stated that the relationship may eventually lead to the establishment of a common-law union. The woman, in order to take care of herself and her children, may then start a sexual relationship with another man and thus may end up having several children with different men. Financial burden and emotional strain of raising children arising from such unions can be quite overwhelming. The Matrifocal family In Caribbean society, the matrifocal family is the term used to describe unit in which women are the focal point. You may also see this form of family referred to as the ‘female headed household’ in some literature. In this form of family adult males are absent from the family unit or if they are present their role in domestic routines is marginal. A woman is usually the head of the household or family unit. This type of family structure is so armed because power and authority tend to reside in the female head. However, there, are some domestic units in which females are responsible only for a day-to-day running of the affairs of the family. Males as lovers or brothers, or fathers of the children may be the ones who make the crucial decisions about major financial undertakings or schooling for the children. Thus, absence of a male head may not necessarily mean absence of male authority. The East Indian Family The East Indian family units which are prevalent in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago are also the result of plantation society and the introduction of indentureship at the end of the slavery period. These family units are horizontally extended as the East Indians seek to maintain their sense of community and kinship bonds that are influenced by their religion. East Indians maintained, initially, most of their family traditions. Over time, some of these traditions have been creolized while some have changed alongside social changes being pursued in post-colonial Indian societies. Endogamy still persists as well as some forms of horizontal family forms. However, these are changing as the strong traditions of colonial India lose their grip on some Indo-Caribbean social institutions. The movement away from the extended family household by the younger generation of East Indians will also affect other Indian institutions over time. Why the diversity? Researchers have offered a wide range of arguments concerning diversity within the family in the Caribbean. Three viewpoints put forward: cultural retention, plantation system of slavery and socioeconomic factors and the culture of poverty Cultural retention and family diversity Melville Herskovits (1958) in The Myth of the Negro Past, was one of the first to trace the development of Caribbean families to the African origins of the slaves who to the Americas. Herskovits believed that despite attempts to strip African slaves of their cultural heritage, the practice of polygyny was retained from African culture. Where polygyny existed, the basic unit for affective bonding and closeness was the mother and child or children. The husband/ father were somewhat marginal in this unit. Herskovits maintained that this pattern has persisted Caribbean society and culture, especially among lower class people of African descent in the Caribbean. Plantation system of slavery M. G Smith (1962) wrote that under plantation slavery, stable families were not give a chance to develop. Unions of whatever sort were often broken up as slaves and were sold. The unit of mother and child or children was less likely to be torn apart than the man/wife/children unit. Male slaves were also denied property and family rights, and a system of female centeredness emerged and developed. Males therefore tended to be marginal to family units and this marginalization from family meant that slave children were property of white slave masters. Socio-economic factors and the culture of poverty The proponents of this approach including Oscar Lewis argue that poverty of low in come families of African origin in the Caribbean and the Americas prevents the males from making the financial contributions that they ought to and as a consequence the find it difficult to meet their family responsibilities as husbands and fathers. Overtime, matrifocality becomes an accepted pattern of family living and family relationships. It becomes a feature of the subculture of poverty. Lewis conducted his study in the urban areas of Puerto Rico and Mexico. He argued that the presence of matrifocality is transmitted from one generation to the next. Further, the urban environment encourages unstable family unions due to a number of socioeconomic factors such as unemployment and poverty. Males tend to desert the home because of inability to effectively carry out the bread winner role. The absence of regular employment that women are forced to enter successive relationships with a number of different males in order to subsist. Each male may father a child or two before deserting the woman and her family. Edith Clarke in her study ‘My Mother Who Fathered Me’ illustrates the combined effects of class and region/locality on family forms. Clarke’s comparative study of three towns in Jamaica suggests that families in affluent urban areas are more likely to be nuclear. Those in rural and urban slums are more prone to be visiting union, common-law or matrifocal. The primary reason noted is wealth and statusnstitutions of the
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Why People Act
Why People Act Edward Albee believed in the unity of family, as he chose to focus on family relationships in many of his plays. Born in our nation's capitol (Washington, D.C.) in 1928, he was adopted by a theater executive named Reed A. Albee of the Keith-Albee chain of vaudeville and motion picture theaters. Edward is known for the symbolic dialogue and realism of his plays, and praised for resembling theater of the absurd characters (people who are unwilling to communicate or sympathize or empathize with each other) as well as criticizing long accepted but immoral ideas and values. He is called the most recent Eugene O' Neill.He attended many prep schools as a youth, and stayed at the Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut for a short while. He juggled through many odd jobs, before he decided to be a playwright. His first play was written in just three weeks in 1959 at the tender age of 31 called The Zoo Story.English: Drawing for The New York Times
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Key Features that Make Your Essay Analytical
The Key Features that Make Your Essay Analytical The Key Features that Make Your Essay Analytical Analytical essays require an intensive comprehension writing on a given subject, topic or subtopic. Such kind of academic paper usually starts with understanding the topic under discussion broadly and paying a lot of attention to the key aspects of it. Analytical essay writing involves thorough consideration of information on the content matter of the topic which is being discussed. The subject matter may be expressed by a question, phrase, proverb or an idiom. Also, a good analysis of the topic under study is attained by understanding what the audience wants from the study and which conclusions must be drawn. Instructions on writing vary depending on the nature of the assignment, but the aim remains the same: to research and analyze the given scope of information and bring about consistent conclusion. Some analytical topics require intensive reading while others require carrying out a project and doing a research. Therefore, the content matter differs per the topic studied. The effectiveness of analytical essays depends on the topic, subtopic or a phrase and other inclusive aspects of the assignment. This academic paper should have central analytical statements or research questions which the whole essay broadly revolves around. Moreover, analytical essays should have a personal opinion on the target group of the audience. They must end with references and examples on the information presented from other sources because work cited helps to judge and compare the information and find out how relevant it is with the content matter of the topic studied. These examples can also be used as a guide in conveying the subject in a better way. During presentation of an analytical essay, it’s crucial to evaluate the type and nature of the audience to address. To deliver the information under a certain topic in an efficient and effective manner, factors to consider are: language to use, writing style, conditions used and the target audience preferences. A well-presented analytical essay should display the basic formal rules that are followed during presentation because this way it shows the level of the skill-set the writer possess. It surely enables the reader and the audience to have a general overview of the ideas and in depth content of the subject matter of the topic under discussion. The main factor that alters the effective performance of an analytical essay is narrating when organizing your writing. You should definitely consider making a difference between describing details, analysis delivery and reference materials not to be taken unawares. In conclusion always follow your work to ensure that you are not out of the topic and give only already analyzed useful information. Do you need analytical essay writing help from experts? You have just found the best place to get it online. Contact our writing service now!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Soft determinism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Soft determinism - Essay Example Freedom, in this case, can be defined as the ability to act without external impediments, which allows an individual to forbear and do as he wills (Trusted 24). In addition, it is also the power for an individual to act in the manner in which his will determines, meaning that if one chooses to rest, he could either rest or move as he wills. Therefore, one is free unless they are forced to take actions that are not according to their will. Soft determinism differentiates between external and internal causes. The internal causes are those actions that are as a result of one’s inner desires and wishes, as well as those that result from one’s freewill (Trusted 39). For instance, a person may leave the country because of their desire to travel overseas. External causes, on the other hand, are those that an individual is forced to undertake due to outside influences, such as being forced to leave the country because of government action. The distinction between external and internal causes explains the reason why a soft determinist needs freewill. Acting with freewill in soft determinism means that one is acting as per his/her nature, rather than according to external pressures exerted upon their situation. This is referred to as the liberty of spontaneity theory, which is a central theme in self-determinism (Trusted 39). While man’s nature is also determined by external factors, he also has freewill b ecause they possess spontaneity freedom. Although circumstance and nature determine man’s choices, the option taken is as a result of free will. With regards to moral responsibility, if internal causes like desires and wishes have a significant impact on actions taken, one is considered to be morally responsible (Trusted 41). For instance, choosing not to save a burning child because one does not feel like doing so means they are morally responsible for the death of that child, while failing to do so because one is crippled means they are
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Spanning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Spanning - Essay Example This helps in storing the same or similar data in one hard disk and thus ensuring that less data is lost. It also makes the work of the technician much easier in terms of referrals and work in general. There is a software that is used for putting large data in a smaller capacity hard disk. However, most people refrain from using this because retrieving the data may be much more hectic. For a person to retrieve the data, they have to sue the same software that they used to remove it (Robins and Salowe, 2005). In the process, a lot of data may be lost or even corrupted and thus making the entire point of storing information useless or pointless. It is important to note that people do not like to be tied to any kind of software for either storing or retrieving their information. In this case, they look for versatility and efficiency at the same time. For spanning to be effective, it has to consider how feasible it is and how possible it is to run and to maintain. There are other projects that are known to be not feasible. It would be useless to carrying out a spanning activity that would be detrimental to the actions that he wishes to perform. Issues of feasibility include cost, the acceptability and the appropriateness of the program. It would be useless to carry out an activity that is not appropriate for the action that is to be performed. In this case, the results would not be what is expected and thus make the whole work useless (Monma and Shallcross, 2009). Appropriate means that the action has to be compatible with the technology. For instance, it would be futile to try and use an outdated antivirus to eliminate a virus that has just surfaced. Chances are very high that the virus is beyond the antivirus and cannot be eliminated at all. This means that the person will have lost money when purchasing the antivirus, they will have
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Political Science Essay Example for Free
Political Science Essay 1) Who is Oedipus? Jocasta? Laius? Theseus? Answer: Oedipus is the son of Laius and Jocasta there was prophet that he was going to kill his father and wed his mother. Laius is the king of Thebes and Oedipus’ father who was killed as a fulfillment on an oracle. Theseus is the king of Athens who takes Oedipus in and protects him after he has suffered greatly. 2) In the play Oedipus Rex, what is the relationship between truth, freedom, identity, and responsibility? Answer: Fate is inescapable. Oedipus learning the truth is him learning his identity and with freedom comes responsibility. 3) What is pollution? OR, why must Oedipus assume responsibility for things he did not know? Answer: Pollution is that for which Oedipus is responsible for. There are consequences for his actions and he must accept them. 4) What does it mean to say that freedom is recognition of necessity? Answer: It means we are never absolutely free. There is always a restraint. 5) In the final analysis, what advice about freedom, fate and the gods is Sophocles giving in Oedipus Rex? Answer: Strive for excellence in a world of constraints, rebel and accept the Gods, bravely acceptthe consequences of one’s actions, and do all of this in reverence and humility. 6) What does it mean to defend freedom on the basis of natural rights? Answer: Natural rights are rights that no person can give us. We have them because we arehuman.To say this is defending it. – Normative way of thinking 7) What does it mean to defend freedom on the basis of utility? Answer: Freedom as a utility are rights that defend the right on grounds of the city rather than ofthe Gods. 8) According to Adrienne Rich, what does a woman need to know to be free? Answer: She needs to know her own history, analysis of her own condition, her politicized female body, and creative genius of women in the past. 9) Whose freedom is Sojourner Truth advocating? Answer: Sojourner Truth is advocating the freedom of African Americans, free slaves, and women 10) According to John Stuart Mill, what is the greatest danger to freedom in a democratic society? Answer: The greatest danger to freedom in a democratic society is social tyranny (public opinion) because it penetrates so deeply into one’s soul that there is no alternative. It feathers the development of individuality (the notion of an autonomous and rationality of the individual). 11) According to Mill, what is the domain of consciousness, or those freedoms that are most precious? Answer: Conscious, Thought/Feeling, Opinion/Sentiment, Expression, Tastes Pursuits, Unite/Assembly 12) According to Mill, what utility does freedom have for the pursuit of truth? Answer: Partial truths may have some truth, but even truth must be combatted, questioned or it isnothing but prejudice or dogma. 13) According to Mill, what utility does freedom have for the development of individuality? Answer: The individual needs freedom for observation, needs freedom of reason and judgment, freedom to gather information, freedom to discriminate/to decide, and freedom and courage to hold firm to our tastes. 14) According to Mill, what utility does freedom have for the development of a progressive society? Answer: Societies that are possessive of innovation sustain truths and tradition and avoid mediocrity. 15) How does Sophocles portray Oedipus and the issue of guilt/innocence in Oedipus at Colonus? Answer: Oedipus is a stranger in need, he declares his innocence, and Thesesus and Athens offer him gifts. 16) What does Theseus offer to Oedipus in Oedipus at Colonus? Why? Answer: Theseus greets Oedipus with respect and empathy. He asks Oedipus what does he need and offers him hospitality and protection from Creon, Creon’s army, and Polynices. He gives him citizenship and grace. Theseus gives him gifts given by Athens because Theseus was once to in exile. 17) What is the function/importance of a language of the good? Answer: It teaches us what human beings need to achieve their potential. 18) What is Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? How does it compare to Aristotle’s theory of the goods of life? Answer: It is a pyramid showing the balanced goods or â€Å"diet†a human being needs to be happy like self-actualization, belongingness, esteem, safety, and physiological. How it compares idk. 19) Who is Pericles and what are the main principles of his funeral oration? Answer: Pericles is general and orator in Athens. The main principles of his funeral oration are city of freedom, city of empire, and citizenship. 20) What does Pericles have to say about citizenship? Answer: Citizenship requires excellence, public service, reverence for the city (patriotism), respect for authorities and law, military training, beauty, and willingness to die for the city. 21) What is Socrates’ vocation? Answer: He literally disapproves of the oracle which says he is the wisest man. 22) What are the formal charges against Socrates? Answer: The formal charges against Socrates are public opinion. 23) What are the informal charges against Socrates? Answer: He studies things that are above the sky and are below the earth. He makes strong arguments weak and weak arguments strong. He does not believe in the Gods of the city, but one new God. 24) What is Socratic ignorance? Answer: A certain type of wisdom is a certain type of ignorance. You don’t say what you don’t know. 25) What is Socrates’ daimon? Answer: The daimon is the inner God that speaks to him. It is a voice of subjectivity, consciousness, and rational insight. (picture a little angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other trying to tell you what you should do) 26) What is the relationship, in Socrates, of philosophy, death and the heroic tradition? Answer: Socrates does not fear death. He sees it as his characters (an eternal sleep or rejoining with loved one). The soul of one is not at stake. The soul of many is. 27) What does Socrates mean by caring for the soul? Answer: Caring for the soul means avoid injustice, ruthless intellectual honesty, engage in self-examination, and sustain moral energy. 28) What are the characteristics of Socrates’ theory of citizenship? Answer: The characteristics are caring for the soul, moral skepticism/dissent, a strong sense of moral individualism, all of this occurs in socratic ignorance, heroic citizenship (a citizen that does not fear death), and love of the city.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Jacqueline Kennedy Essay -- Biography
Jacqueline Kennedy is probably best known for her style, love of art and history, and family values. She never looked to be First Lady but took on the role she needed to. Sometimes people seemed more interested in her than the president himself. Jackie was more appealing than previous First Ladies. She was original and dignified. She helped increase the popularity of her husband. She did what was called from her while still maintaining who she was. She was an inspiration to women everywhere. She will always be remembered for being a powerful woman. She knew she wasn`t the classic First Lady material. â€Å"The trouble with me is that I`m an outsider. And that`s a very hard thing to be in American life†(Perry 53). She knew who she was and she went with it. She didn`t try and change for what people wanted her to be. Many people try to change to the image people want them to be but she didn`t Family was the most important thing to Jackie. â€Å"If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much†(Karen 37). She set a standard for mothers everywhere. â€Å"I’ll be a wife and mother first, then First Lady†(Klein 98). All that mattered to her was to be a family. She understood, no matter how important a position, family came first and always would. â€Å"The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I’m thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family’s future†(Anderson, 176). Her children were her world; everything she did was for them. She tried her best to be the perfect mother. She also valued her marriage. â€Å"Jacqueline wore a choker of pearls and a diamond bracelet that was a gift from the groom†(Bowles 63). She kept it simple and with great mea... ...ld have been very hard to tell her what to do. When someone is that comfortable with whom they are you cannot help but admire them. They are who they are and no one will ever be able to change that. They are above the trivial ways of trying to fit in to get people to like them. She had all she wanted, her family and the rest didn’t matter. No one would ever be able to shape her into what they want. She wasn’t out spoken but she didn’t let people use her. Isn’t that what makes heroism? She was someone who would never do something just because society told her. Isn’t that which make progress possible too? There are few ways progress can only be made by those who are willing to be different and not conform to society. Maybe that is what everyone liked about her, how she couldn’t be manipulated. She was always aware what was going on but it never caused her to change.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Case Study on Motivating Partners at Starbucks
TABLE OF CONTENT CASE STUDY ON MOTIVATING PARTNERS AT STARBUCKS2 Question 1: Given Starbuck’s training approach, benefits, package, work/life program, and partner relations mechanisms, what insights have you gained about its approach to employee motivation? Explain your answer. 2 Introduction2 Motivation2 Expectancy- Probability (E to P)4 Instrumentality- Probability (P to O)4 Valence- V(R)5 Conclusions6 Question 2 : What needs does Starbucks appeal to through its training approach, benefits package, work/life program and partner relations mechanisms? 7 Employees’ inner satisfaction. 7 Equal treatment8 Listen to employees8 Question 3: What is important to you in terms of your personal work motivation? How does that which motivates you fit with Starbuck’s approach to motivating partners? 10 CASE STUDY ON MOTIVATING PARTNERS AT STARBUCKS Question 1: Given Starbuck’s training approach, benefits, package, work/life program, and partner relations mechanisms, what insights have you gained about its approach to employee motivation? Explain your answer. Introduction Starbucks Corporation, the most famous chain of retail coffee shops in the world, mainly benefits from roasting, selling special coffee beans and various kinds of coffee or tea drinks. It owns about 4000 branches in the whole world. The reasons of why Starbucks is worldwide popular are not only the quality of coffee, but also its customer service and cosy environment. Besides, it is also famous for its satisfaction of employees. The turnover rate of employees at Starbucks was 65% and the rate of managers was 25% a year However, the rates of other national chain retailers are 150% to 400% and 50% respectively. Compared with them, the turnover rate of Starbucks is much lower than other industries on averagely. As a result, Starbucks would be one of the optimal business models for the strategies of employee motivation, customer satisfaction and cooperation of teamwork. Motivation Motivation refers to forces within an individual that account for the level, direction and persistence of effort expended at work[1]. People have basic needs such as food, secure or achievement, that translate into an internal tension that motivates specific behaviours with which to fulfil the need. If the behavior leads to ones success, the person will fall in the state of satisfaction or we can call it reward[2]. Rewards are two types; intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic rewards refer to satisfaction occurs in the process of performing an action. Such as a salesperson that sold encyclopaedias for intrinsic reward of helping children read well. Extrinsic refers to a reward given by another person such as promotion and bonuses. The understand that I had on Starbuck’s approach to its employee motivation is best by explaining the case based on the Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation; is based on an idea that work effort is directed toward behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes. The Expectancy Theory of Motivation explains the behavioral process of why individuals choose one behavioral option over another. It also explains how they make decisions to achieve the end they value. Vroom introduces three variables within the expectancy theory which are valence (V), expectancy (E) and instrumentality (I). The three elements are important behind choosing one element over another because they are clearly defined: effort-performance expectancy (E to P expectancy), performance-outcome expectancy (P to O expectancy). Three components of Expectancy theory: Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence. 1. Expectancy: Effort > Performance (E>P); 2. Instrumentality: Performance > Outcome (P>O); 3. Valence – V(R) Expectancy- Probability (E to P) Expectancy is the belief that one's effort (E) will result in attainment of desired performance (P) goals. Factors associated with the individual's Expectancy perception are self efficacy, goal difficulty, and control. Self efficacy is the person’s belief about their ability to successfully perform a particular behavior. Goal difficulty happens when goals are set too high or performance expectations that are made too difficult are most likely to lead to low expectancy perceptions. Control is one's perceived control over performance. In order for expectancy to be high, individuals must believe that they have some degree of control over the expected outcome. Starbucks had matched employees to the jobs based on their abilities and clear communicating the tasks requires for the job is an important part of this process. This process took place within the 25 hours of classroom training. Instrumentality- Probability (P to O) Instrumentality is the belief that a person will receive a reward if the performance expectation is met. This reward may come in the form of a pay increase, promotion, recognition or sense of accomplishment. In Starbucks, they offer various types of benefits package includes full medical and dental insurance coverage, disability and life insurance, vacation days, a retirement saving plan with match company contributions, discounted stock purchase plans and stock options as part of Starbuck’s BEAN STOCK Program. Instrumentality is low when the reward is given for all performances given. Factors associated with the individual's valence for outcomes are trust, control and policies. If individuals trust their superiors, they are more likely to believe their leaders promises. When there is a lack of trust on leadership, people often attempt to control the reward system. When individuals believe they have some kind of control over how, when, and why rewards are distributed, Instrumentality tends to increase. Formalized written policies impact the individuals' instrumentality perceptions. Instrumentality is increased when formalized policies associates rewards to performance. Valence- V(R) Valence: the value the individual places on the rewards based on their needs, goals, values and Sources of Motivation. Factors associated with the individual's valence for outcomes are values, needs, goals, preferences and Sources of Motivation Strength of an individual’s preference for a particular outcome. Motivation = expectancy x instrumentality x valence Managers should make each factor positive in order to ensure high levels of motivation. Conclusions Referring to this case study, the new Baristas carefully selected and will receive 25 hours classroom training before they start their job. During this training, Baristas will be trained, coached exposed to the company’s goals, diversity awareness, customers, succession planning and career development plan. This would be the E to P Expectancy Concept. The Baristas then exposed to the company’s benefits and rewards; where the P to O Expectancy Concept occurs. The last one is the Valences outcomes. Starbucks distribute rewards that employees’ value. This action can increase the expected value of outcomes resulting from desire performance. Expectancy Theory of Motivation remains ones of the better theories for predicting work effort and motivation, and with one limitation that is, the theory had ignore the role of emotion in employee effort and behavior. Question 2 : What needs does Starbucks appeal to through its training approach, benefits package, work/life program and partner relations mechanisms? From my analysis earlier, Starbucks training approach, benefits package, work/life program and partner mechanism had fall into needs theory of Expectancy Theory. As I have stated earlier that this theory had ignore the emotional factor. As this theory seems using some kind of mathematical method on measuring the level of motivation, the emotional entity was so abstract and difficult to measure. What most important is the positive impact or the outcome occurs. I wanted to conclude that there were several soft impacts happened in Starbucks as the consequences of the implementation of Expectancy Theory. Employees’ inner satisfaction. A pervious researcher, Pugh & Hickson cited Elton Mayo made an investigation called ‘Hawthorne Experiment’. According to the results, if managers provided a suitable working environment considering each personal requirement and their sense of satisfaction rather than a higher salary or bonus, workers were encouraged to be more hard-working and efficient. He also verified that if managers of an organization do not consider about individual works’ needs and wants, then treat them as equal units would â€Å"maximize payment and minimize effort†. As a result, how to use non-financial incentives would be an important issue for nowadays business. The chief executive officer of Starbucks Corporation, Howard Schultz, considers that the tip of success in Starbucks is not coffee but employees. Constantly accumulating the working experience of employees and providing chances of promotion in a company for working partners is the way to operate sustainability. He firmly believes that the spirit of Starbucks is employees and feels honoured about the value of Starbucks employees. For this reason, it is necessary to have a perfect education and training policy for better performance in a company. Starbucks offers an interactive structure that makes personnel instil themselves into their job; hence they can motivate partners to satisfy themselves then achieving a new level of performance. Equal treatment The managers in Starbucks treat each workpeople equally and all of the staffs are called ‘partners’, even the supervisors of each branch are called it as well. In order to narrow the gap between managers and employees, they also co-work with the basic level staffs in the front line. Due to this, they can maintain a well management system and create a much closer and more familiar atmosphere than other place, which makes not only employees can enjoy their job but also customers are affected by their enthusiasm. Listen to employees Starbucks has a well-organized communication channel for employees. It places a great importance on labours. For example, managers plan the working hours per workers and arrange the schedule of time off, according to their wants to meet their requirements. There are interviews weekly to see what employees’ need is. A special survey called ‘Partner View Survey’ is taken off approximate every two years. The managers can receive feedbacks through the event to which part should be improved or what issue should be paid more attention to. The partners have the right to figure out what is the best policy for them, and the directors show a respect for each suggestion. Starbucks even wants every employee to join in making and developing plans, then achieving their goals all together. As a result, the policies and principles are communicated between all staffs, and there is no limitation in employees’ personal opinions. For this reason, business could improve their strategies even innovate by different ideas. Question 3: What is important to you in terms of your personal work motivation? How does that which motivates you fit with Starbuck’s approach to motivating partners? My important personal work motivation would be the physiological, safety and social motivation. If one organizational can provide this, I would say that I will be there for a period of time. There would be important leadership implications to enhance workplace motivation. There are staff motivation opportunities by motivating each employee through their style of management, compensation plans, role definition, and company activities. Physiological motivation can be imposed by company by provide ample breaks for lunch and recuperation and pay salaries that allow workers to buy life's essentials. In government sector (where I work for), offers physiological needs, safety needs and also social motivation. Based on my individual view, managers within this sector may become varies in style of leaderships. This happened due to different background of race, culture and political views. If the managers fail to be fair or fail to perform, dissatisfaction among workers may occur. In government sector, most of the organizations within tend to be people orientation than result orientated. This similar to the environment in Starbucks, its employees, including informal personnel, are offered a great deal of welfare policies, for instance, commodities discounts for employees, medical insurance (including health, vision and dental) and vacations. Moreover, the partners who work over 20 hours a week are entitled for benefits. This related to safety needs. Social needs can be generate a feeling of acceptance, belonging, and community by reinforcing team dynamics. Howard Schultz and other Starbucks senior executives worked to instill some key values and guiding principles into the Starbucks culture. The keystone value in the effort â€Å"to build a company with soul†was that the company would never stop pursuing the perfect cup of coffee. Because of this, they have the same goal; in other words, they are motivated to increase the sales to earn more profits. Starbucks just handles personnel with its core value, which is the employees are the most important asset of Starbucks. Showing a respect to employees and well-developed environment have lead Starbucks to produce the best working quality for customers and an increase in profits. Starbucks establishes a well-developed system to keep good relationship between managers and employees. At first, the leaders of a retail shops use the same title â€Å"partner†as a basic level worker to narrow the gap of bureaucracy. Furthermore, they co-work in the first line to eliminate the distance between different statuses. Secondly, the numbers of employees are usually from three to six. Such a small size of a retail shop makes staffs acquaint with each other easily and deeply. In the co-working period, this helps a team to match different personalities and majors quickly to achieve well performance. Next, the suggestions and complaints provided by employees are treated of equal importance. In the same way, they have a right to participate in the process of revising company policies as well as a manager. In that case, each staff thinks that they also play an important role in company operating, and they can join to work out a direction of Starbucks. These give employees not only a respect, but a sense of participation. Yet, this Starbuck’s approach was hardly to be found in government sector. In public sector, they tend to uphold the hierarchy line. There were obvious gap between managers and subordinates. Furthermore, the organizations normally contain numbers of staffs. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Schermerhorn,Hunt,Osborn and Uhl-Bien â€Å"Organizational Behavior 11th edition†John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 2011 [2] Richard L. Daft â€Å"Management†The Dryden Press 1997
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Culture and Social Structure Essay
Culture is a difficult thing to strictly define. Such a large variety of societal aspects fall under its realm, that it’s sometimes complicated to draw a line between what is part of a culture and what is not. To put it in extremely vague terms, culture is a way of life. All the traits that make up a particular society, from religious beliefs to modes of dress to art to methods of farming, build up a culture. Culture includes the good and the bad, the old and the new, the strong and the weak – essentially it includes â€Å"everything†. Many varieties of cultures exist. There are the obvious ethnic cultures – African-American culture, Latino culture, Greek culture, etc., each with their own foods, art, religion, familial roles, and values. American culture, for example, is generally considered to be relaxed – apple pie, blue jeans, baseball and the like. Family roles are not set in stone, there is freedom to choose a religion based on one’s own comfort (or choose no religion at all), and while a certain level of morality is maintained, values are generally loose. Compare this to the culture of the remote parts of India. There, a woman is required to serve her husband and his family, even after his death. They are very devout, and there is only one religion to â€Å"choose†from. They are held to a strict moral code, and anyone who violates this code is considered an outcast. There are many other ways to consider culture. There is the culture of a particular age group. A septuagenarian has a way of life very different than that of a teenager. His music, dress, beliefs, and goals are generally dissimilar to those of his younger counterpart. Or there is the culture of a particular time period. Pre-historic culture is, through modern inventions and human development, very different than the culture of today. A very important part of any culture is the social structure within. The social structure is essentially the roles or positions that particular individuals or groups in a culture fall into. For example, in the American culture, the President takes on a leadership role, those in the armed forces take on a protective role, and everyday citizens take on the responsibility of keeping the economy alive. On a much smaller scale, the social structure exists within a family as well. In your â€Å"typical†family, the mother takes on a nurturing position, while the father takes on the responsibility of earning money and providing for the others. Similarly, on a sports team, the coach is the leader, charged with guiding and motivating his players. The players themselves are responsible for putting forth their best effort and taking the team as far as it can go. While culture can be hard to define using words, one need only look around to experience everything that culture contains. One’s everyday life is culture, from the worldwide culture that everyone lives in, down to the personal culture of one’s own house. Each person has a role in many different social structures, and each role is genuinely important. It is these roles, in these social structures that make up every part of every culture.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Woody Guthrie, Influential Songwriter and Folk Singer
Woody Guthrie, Influential Songwriter and Folk Singer Woody Guthrie was an American songwriter and folk singer whose songs about troubles and triumphs of American life, coupled with his raw performing style, had enormous influence on popular music and culture. An eccentric character often viewed as something of a hobo poet, Guthrie created a template for songwriters which, carried along by admirers including Bob Dylan, helped infuse popular songs with poetic and often political messages. His most famous song, This Land Is Your Land has become an official national anthem, sung at countless school assemblies and public gatherings. Though his career was cut short by an incapacitating illness, Guthries songs have continued to inspire successive generations of musicians and listeners. Fast Facts: Woody Guthrie Full Name: Woodrow Wilson GuthrieKnown For: Songwriter and folk singer who portrayed the troubles and triumphs of Depression era Americans and had enormous influence on popular music.Born: July 14, 1912 in Okemah, OklahomaDied: October 3, 1967 in New York, New YorkParents: Charles Edward Guthrie and Nora Belle ShermanSpouses: Mary Jennings (m. 1933-1940), Marjorie Mazia (m. 1945-1953 ), and Anneke Van Kirk (m. 1953-1956)Children: Gwen, Sue, and Bill Guthrie (with Jennings); Cathy, Arlo, Joady, and Nora Guthrie (with Mazia); and Lorina (with Van Kirk) Early Life Woodrow Wilson Guthrie was born July 14, 1912, in Okemah, Oklahoma. He was the third of five children, and both his parents were interested in music. The town of Okemah was only about ten years old, recently settled by transplants who brought musical traditions and instruments with them. As a child Guthrie heard church music, songs from the Appalachian mountain tradition, and fiddle music. It seems music was a bright spot in his life, which was marked by tragic incidents. When Guthrie was 7 years old his mother’s mental condition began to deteriorate. She was suffering from undiagnosed Huntington’s chorea, the same disease that would, decades later, afflict Woody. His sister perished in a kitchen fire, and following that tragedy, his mother was committed to an asylum. When Guthrie was 15 the family moved to Pampa, Texas, to stay near relatives. Guthrie began to play the guitar. With his natural musical aptitude he soon mastered it and began performing with an aunt and uncle in a small band. He also learned to play mandolin, fiddle, and harmonica, and was known to perform in talent shows and plays at his high school. Woody Guthrie portrait. Bettmann / Getty Images After finishing high school, Guthrie took off to travel about the South, essentially choosing to live as a hobo. He kept singing and playing guitar wherever he went, picking up various songs and beginning to write some of his own. He eventually returned to Pampa, and at the age of 21 he married a friend’s 16-year-old sister, Mary Jennings. The couple would have three children. Pampa is located in the Texas panhandle, and when the Dust Bowl conditions struck, Guthrie was an eyewitness. He felt great empathy for the farmers whose lives were upended by the severe weather conditions, and began to write the songs that would comprise a body of work about those affected by the Dust Bowl. In 1937 Guthrie was restless to get out of Texas, and managed to hitch rides to California. In Los Angeles he performed, got noticed, and landed a job singing on a local radio station. He was able to send for his wife and children and the family settled in Los Angeles for a time. Guthrie became friends with the actor Will Geer, who was very active in radical political circles. He enlisted Guthrie to sing some of his songs at rallies, and Guthrie became associated with communist sympathizers. In 1940 Geer, who was staying in New York City, convinced Guthrie to cross the country and join him. Guthrie and his family headed to New York. Burst of Creativity His arrival in the big city in February 1940 sparked a burst of creativity. Staying at the Hanover House, a small hotel near Times Square, he wrote down, on February 23, 1940, the lyrics for what would become his most famous song, This Land Is Your Land. The song had been in his head as hed traveled across the country. The song God Bless America by Irving Berlin had become a huge hit in the late 1930s, and Guthrie was irritated that Kate Smiths rendition of it was endlessly played on the radio. In response to it, he wrote a song which declared, in simple yet poetic terms, that America belonged to its people. c. 1940, New York, New York City, Almanac Singers, L-R: Woody Gurthrie, Millard Lampell, Bess Lomax Hawes, Pete Seeger, Arthur Stern, Sis Cunningham. Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images In a span of a few months in New York, Guthrie met new friends including Pete Seeger, Leadbelly, and Cisco Houston. The folk song scholar Alan Lomax recorded Guthrie and also arranged for him to appear on a CBS radio network program. Dust Bowl Ballads In the spring of 1940, while based in New York, Guthrie traveled to the Victor Records studio in Camden, New Jersey. He recorded a collection of songs he had written about the Dust Bowl and the Okies of the Great Depression who had left the devastated farmlands of the Midwest for a grueling trip to California. The resulting album (folios of 78-rpm discs) titled Dust Bowl Ballads was released in the summer of 1940 and was notable enough to receive a very positive review in the New York Times on August 4, 1940. The newspaper praised Guthries writing and said of his songs: They make you think; they may even make you uncomfortable, though not as uncomfortable as the Okie on his miserable journey. But they are an excellent thing to have on record. Dust Bowl Ballads, which is now in print in a compact disc version, contains some of Guthries best-known songs, including Talkin Dust Bowl Blues, I Aint Got No Home In This World Anymore, and Do Re Mi, a mordantly funny song about the troubles of migrants arriving penniless in California. The song collection also contained Tom Joad, Guthries rewrite of the story of John Steinbecks classic Dust Bowl novel, The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck did not mind. American folk singer Woody Guthrie performs on a stoop for an audience of predominantly children, New York, New York, 1943. Eric Schaal / Getty Images Back West Despite his success, Guthrie was restless in New York City. In a new car hed been able to purchase, he drove his family back to Los Angeles, where he discovered work was scarce. He took a job for the federal government, for a New Deal agency in the Pacific Northwest, the Bonneville Power Administration. Guthrie was paid $266 to interview workers on a dam project and write a series of songs promoting the benefits of hydroelectric power. Guthrie took to the project enthusiastically, writing 26 songs in a month (often borrowing tunes, as was common in the folk tradition). Some have endured, including Grand Coulee Dam, Pastures of Plenty, and Roll On, Columbia, his ode to the mighty Columbia River. The odd assignment prompted him to write songs packed with his trademark wordplay, humor, and empathy for working people. Following his time in the Pacific Northwest he returned to New York City. His wife and children didnt come along to New York but moved to Texas, intent on finding a permanent home where the children could attend school. That separation would mark the end of Guthries first marriage. New York and War Based in New York as the city began to mobilize for war following the Pearl Harbor attack, Guthrie began writing songs supporting the American war effort and denouncing fascism. Photographs of him taken during this period often show him playing a guitar with the sign on it: This Machine Kills Fascists. American folk singer Woody Guthrie (1912 - 1967) plays his guitar, which has a handwritten sticker that says, This Machine Kills Fascists, New York, New York, 1943. Eric Schaal / Getty Images During the war years he wrote a memoir, Bound For Glory, an account of his travels around the country. Guthrie joined the U.S. Merchant Marine and made several sea voyages, delivering supplies as part of the war effort. Near the end of the war he was drafted and spent a year in the U.S. Army. When the war ended he was discharged and after some traveling about the country he settled in the Coney Island neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. In the late 1940s, Guthrie recorded more songs and continued writing. Many lyrics he never got around to setting to music, including Deportees, a song about migrant workers killed in a plane crash in California while being deported to Mexico. He had been inspired by a newspaper article that didnt provide the names of the victims. As Guthrie put it in his lyrics, The newspaper said they were just deportees. Guthries words were later put to music by others, and the song has been performed by Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, and many others. Illness and Legacy Guthrie remarried and had more children. But his life took a dark turn when he began to be afflicted with the onset of Huntingtons chorea, the hereditary disease which had killed his mother. As the disease attacks brain cells, the effects are profound. Guthrie slowly lost his ability to control his muscles, and had to be hospitalized. As a new generation of folk song enthusiasts discovered his work in the late 1950s his reputation grew. Robert Zimmerman, a student at the University of Minnesota who had recently started calling himself Bob Dylan, became fascinated with Guthrie to the extent of hitching a ride to the East Coast so he could visit him at a state hospital in New Jersey. Inspired by Guthrie, Dylan began writing his own songs. Guthries own son, Arlo, eventually began performing in public, becoming a successful singer and songwriter. And countless other young people, hearing Guthries old records, were energized and inspired. After more than a decade of hospitalization, Woody Guthrie died on October 3, 1967, at the age of 55. His obituary in the New York Times noted that he had written as many as 1,000 songs. Many recordings of Woody Guthrie are still available (today on the popular streaming services) and his archives are housed at the Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sources: Guthrie, Woody. UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography, edited by Laura B. Tyle, vol. 5, UXL, 2003, pp. 838-841. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Guthrie, Woody. Great Depression and the New Deal Reference Library, edited by Allison McNeill, et al., vol. 2: Biographies, UXL, 2003, pp. 88-94. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Guthrie, Woody 1912–1967. Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, edited by Mary Ruby, vol. 256, Gale, 2014, pp. 170-174. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Irelands Repeal Movement
Ireland's Repeal Movement The Repeal Movement was a political campaign spearheaded by Irish statesman Daniel OConnell in the early 1840s. The goal was to break political ties with Britain by repealing the Act of Union, legislation passed in 1800. The campaign to repeal the Act of Union was considerably different than OConnells earlier great political movement, the Catholic Emancipation movement of the 1820s. In the intervening decades, the literacy rate of the Irish people had increased, and an influx of new newspapers and magazines helped to communicate OConnells message and mobilize the populace. OConnells repeal campaign ultimately failed, and Ireland would not break free from British rule until the 20th century. But the movement was remarkable as it enlisted millions of Irish people in a political cause, and some aspects of it, such as the famed Monster Meetings, demonstrated that the majority of Irelands population could gather behind the cause. Background of the Repeal Movement The Irish people had been opposed to the Act of Union since its passage in 1800, but it wasnt until the late 1830s that the beginnings of an organized effort to repeal it took shape. The goal, of course, was to strive for self-government for Ireland and a break with Britain. Daniel OConnell organized the Loyal National Repeal Association in 1840. The association was well-organized with various departments, and members paid dues and were issued membership cards. When a Tory (conservative) government came into power in 1841, it appeared obvious that the Repeal Association would not be able to achieve its goals through traditional parliamentary votes. OConnell and his followers began to think of other methods, and the idea of holding enormous meetings and involving as many people as possible seemed like the best approach. The Mass Movement During a period of about six months in 1843, the Repeal Association held a series of enormous gatherings in the east, west, and south of Ireland (support for repeal was not popular in the northern province of Ulster). There had been large meetings in Ireland before, such as anti-temperance rallies led by the Irish priest Father Theobald Matthew. But Ireland, and probably the world, had never seen anything like OConnells Monster Meetings. It is unclear exactly how many people attended the various rallies, as partisans on both sides of the political divide claimed different totals. But its clear that tens of thousands attended some of the meetings. It was even claimed that some crowds numbered a million people, though that number has always been viewed skeptically. More than 30 large Repeal Association meetings were held, often at sites associated with Irish history and mythology. One idea was so instilled in the common people a connection to Irelands romantic past. It can be argued that the goal of connecting people to the past was accomplished, and the large meetings were worthwhile achievements for that alone. The Meetings In the Press As the meetings began to be held across Ireland in the summer of 1843 news reports circulated describing the remarkable events. The star speaker of the day, of course, would be OConnell. And his arrival in a locality would generally consist of a large procession. The enormous gathering at racecourse in Ennis, in County Clare, in the west of Ireland, on June 15, 1843, was described in a news report which was carried across the ocean by the steamship Caledonia. The Baltimore Sun published the account on its front page of July 20, 1843. The crowd at Ennis was described: Mr. OConnell had a demonstration at Ennis, for the county of Clare, on Thursday, the 15th ult., and the meeting is described as more numerous than any that preceded it- the numbers are stated at 700,000! including about 6,000 horsemen; the cavalcade of cars extended from Ennis to Newmarket- six miles. The preparations for his reception were most elaborate; at the entrance to the town whole trees were plants, with triumphal arches across the road, mottoes, and devices. The Baltimore Sun article also referred to a large meeting held on a Sunday which featured an outdoor mass held before OConnell and others spoke of political matters: A meeting was held at Athlone on Sunday- from 50,000 to 400,000, many of them women- and one writer says that 100 priests were on the ground. The gathering took place at Summerhill. Before it, mass was said in the open air, for the benefit of those who had left their distant homes too soon to attend morning service. News reports appearing in American newspapers noted that 25,000 British troops had been stationed in Ireland in expectation of an uprising. And to American readers, at least, Ireland appeared on the verge of a rebellion. The End of Repeal Despite the popularity of the large meetings, which mean the majority of Irish people may have been directly touched by OConnells message, the Repeal Association eventually faded away. In large part, the goal was simply unattainable as the British population, and British politicians, were not sympathetic to Irish freedom. And, Daniel OConnell, in the 1840s, was elderly. As his health faded the movement faltered, and his death seemed to mark the end of the push for repeal. OConnells son tried to keep the movement going, but he did not have the political skills or magnetic personality of his father. The legacy of the Repeal Movement is mixed. Though the movement itself failed, it kept alive the quest for Irish self-government. It was the last great political movement to affect Ireland before the horrific years of the Great Famine. And it inspired younger revolutionaries, who would go on to be involved with Young Ireland and the Fenian Movement.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Autistic children in the general education classroom, mainstreaming, Essay
Autistic children in the general education classroom, mainstreaming, inclusion and pull out options - Essay Example This report stresses that available literature on the subject places less emphasis on exogenous variables perhaps due to the fact that it has been conclusively proved that autism is a genetic disorder. Despite this proof there is also a parallel attempt being made by teaching communities at large that behavioral tendencies of the autistic child could be altered with dynamic combinations of internal and external factors. Autism as a disorder affecting a few individuals, has been subject some of the worst misinterpretations in communities today. Yet a growing body of current research has shed new light on the many-faceted nature of this disorder as one of which the severity can at least be reduced with well designed programs that advocate a general educational environment based treatment option of inclusion instead of exclusion. This paper makes a conclusion that Schon’s indefatigable efforts have successfully proved to the world that professional attitudes have to be realigned with reflection-in-action so that a highly desirable qualitative change could be brought about to the very programs that have been hitherto administered with little or no attention being paid to the teaching/learning outcomes. This causative principle of attention re-focus has helped communities to undertake a complete reassessment of techniques and approaches based on compartmentalized thoughtless and antiquated perceptions and conceptualizations. Schon has revolutionized the treatment process by focusing on the need to be reflective-in-action.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Pandemic Flu plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pandemic Flu plan - Case Study Example that has seen heath experts and governments come together to formulate policies and plans on how to curb and mange influenza so as to reduce loss of life through such pandemic. Communities at their local levels have come up with ways to handle influenza so to protect the community members from suffering and deaths. This paper indicates a community plan outlines strategies to curb influenza in Glen Falls in New York. To enhance influenza review in Glen Falls, the plan shall initiate measures to protect community members from attacks and loss of lives as a result of flu. They include; This shall be meant to promote and boost the immunity of villagers through anti viral drugs and vaccine. Parents shall be advised to take their children fro vaccine so as to enable them withstand the effects of influenza. Immunization awareness shall be carried out to educate the people on the need to consider immunization as the possible solution for this challenge. Expectant mothers shall be advised to attend prenatal and antenatal care program in which vaccination and immunization for the unborn baby and the mother shall be done to offer remedy for this problem. To educate the community, seminars and workshops shall be carried out in the community to enlighten the people. Cultural dances and performances where by communal artists shall be used to perform and make skits more so in the evenings which shall bring together members of the community to learn on the need to take on immunization program to remedy influenza. Influenza pandemic requires proper planning that involves partie s of every level such as communities and families and individuals so as to slow and respond so as to recover from this disaster. This is because influenza has been identified to cause loss of life through illness making it a public threat. The plan will involve health care providers in advocating the control of influenza in the community. Hospitals shall print leaflets which shall have the information
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Quality Of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Quality Of Education - Essay Example Today’s education is far more excellent compared to yesterday’s education. One of my proof is the availability of advanced computerized and centralized learning classrooms and libraries in most of the schools and colleges. Telephony and Data Communications also contributes instant information especially in the presence of intranet and internet. Due to the evolution of teachings and through some academic research it aided our educators to be more efficient in their way of teaching, thus, improved the quality learning of the students. Unlike my parents’ experiences, assignment and research are not a problem at all since it is not as difficult to find reference materials. Through the usage of a word processor like the Microsoft Office Word, multimedia editor like Adobe Photoshop and presentation software like the Microsoft Office Powerpoint installed in computers, my reports and presentations are much more creative and presentable compared to what my parents had, he nce, enables me and my classmates to establish better communication and understanding. Regardless of what course and degree, most of the subjects and courses were change especially in the field of science and technology due to the additional knowledge to be imparted in the curriculum. It is also a proof that due to the availability of many courses our education has become more advanced. Another factor affecting the quality of education is the teacher itself. The teaching strategy is a big factor affecting the education of the students.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Nestle and the food and beverages industry
Nestle and the food and beverages industry Nestle has strong corporate culture which is reflected by the company logo itself. The logo, Good Food Good Life which is always attached to its products is the main guidance for every activity within the company. Nestle believes that good food is the primary source of good health throughout life thus it always puts nutrition, health and wellness as the core of its business. The company tries to further develop and emphasize on these aspects. These three things Nutrition, Health and Wellness can be found in all Nestle products and in the company mission statement as well. Talking about the company culture which is related its people structure, Nestle has the culture of team focused and open door policy which become one of its corporate strengths. The company focuses on collectivism and performance orientation attitude to encourage employees to work harder (Ali et al, 2009). Strategic Purpose Mission of Nestle is to make better food so that people live a better life. There is an apparent relationship between this mission statement and the company logo. As what the company believes in, it strives to bring consumers foods that are safe, of high quality and provide optimal nutrition to meet physiological needs. In addition it also brings the vital ingredients of taste and4rrf4f5f5gt pleasure. Nestlà ©s corporate objective is to be the worlds largest and best branded food manufacturer, whilst ensuring that the Nestlà © name is synonymous with products of the highest quality (Nestle Corporate Objective, 2009). It shows that Nestle has achieved one part of its corporate objective which is to be the worlds largest manufacturer. This objective is related to another objective of Nestle which is the company wants to make sure that the product creates value that can be sustained over the long term for shareholders, employees, consumers, business partners and the national economies in which Nestle operates. The main concern of Nestle is to deliver nutritional value for the customers. Thats why in the website of the company, its clearly stated that Nestle is the worlds foremost Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. The CEO of Nestle, Paul Bulcke once said that the objective is to be recognized as the leader in the Nutrition, Health and Wellness and as the reference for financial performance, trusted by all stakeholders. The statement from the CEO is in line with the fact that Strategic Purpose isnt only concerned with what the organization should achieve but also who has influence over the purposes. In every organization there should be some people that have complex role in affecting the organizational purpose. These people are the stakeholders of the company. Nestle wants the stakeholders are well-served which is returned in the companys long term objective: to create sustainable value for its shareholders which require it to create the value for the societies at first place. 2.0 Industry Analysis The threat of entry At first glance, people may think that food and beverages industry is quite easy to enter. This is true if the consideration is only about the capital requirements. The capital requirement of entry is not high thus enable many parties to open their business in this industry. This opinion is also supported by the fact that many brands are occupying the shelves of supermarket or retailer. But if more factors are taken into consideration, the threat of entry for food and beverages industry is moderately high (medium level). The threat of entry is affected by many factors which are economies of scale, capital requirements, access to supply or distribution channel, customer of supplier loyalty, experience, expected retaliation, legislation or government action and differentiation (Johnson et al, 2005). For this industry there is no specific government legislation that governs the entry of new entrants. The fact is that there are many big players exist in this industry and they are at multinational level which means the retaliation is very great. These big players have broad product lines and they have global marketing strategy that those local brands are not able to compete with. These big companies also have an advantage in term of achieving economies of scale. They have more experiences to give them advantage in terms of cost, customer and supplier loyalty. Entering the food and beverages industry to compete with the big competitors such as Nestle wont be a wise decision unless the new comer has careful attention paid to the strategy. Nestle has the most important thing to retain its customers which is the brand name itself. In 2008, Nestle is one of the companies in the list of 100 Best Global Brand (Best Global Brands, 2008). Nescafe as one of the brand under Nestle was reported to have 13,056 million USD of brand equity. This shows how valuable the brand name of Nestle as the market leader in the industry which cant be imitated by competitors. The brand name is used to differentiate Nestle product from the competitors. Threat of Substitute Threat of substitute is high in the food and beverages industry. There are many substitutes available that might reduce demands for company in the food and beverages industry. To identify the threat of the industry, the company cant only look at close substitute. Threat can be assessed using price/performance ratio and extra industry effects. There is a tendency for food and beverages manufacturers to product broad range of products. These products may compete with one another to gain market share. It means that they become substitute for each other. For example Nestle Koko Krunch Cereal can be the substitute for Nestle Nesvita cereal drink since both of them are intended for breakfast consumption. Because Nestle is offering not all kinds of food and beverages, those unoffered kinds may act as the substitutes for the Nestle products. For example Nestle has coffee in its product lines which is Nescafe, the substitute for it can be the soft drinks which are not in the portfolio of Nestle. In this case the substitutes are also very broad. For certain food such as baby food, the substitute can be breastfeed which is free and offer same or higher value. Power of Supplier The power of supplier in food and beverages industry tends to be medium. The basis of Nestle products are agricultural raw materials such as milk, cocoa, and coffee. By referring to 3 factors that affect the power of supplier, only 1 factor can gives the supplier the power advantage which is the non-existence of forward vertical integration. Supplier power is increasing as many of the food and beverages manufacturer are not involved in agricultural raw material production and dont own or operate farms. Nestle, Cadbury, and Kraft are some of the examples. They rely on the suppliers to provide the raw materials. Nestle itself purchases agricultural materials in either raw or semi-processed form directly from farmers or via trade channels (Raw Materials, 2009). On the other hand, by considering the number of suppliers in the industry and also the switching cost, the dependency to a particular supplier can be reduced. The suppliers are not concentrated that enables the companies to choose the most appropriate suppliers. For multinational companies that have their operations in many countries throughout the world, if one supplier cant offer good price for the company, it can look for the other suppliers (can be in different countries). One issue for some companies is how to get the suppliers that can supply high quality materials as needed for producing high quality finished products. Switching cost from one supplier to another is not high. The bargaining power of supplier depends heavily on the strength of the companys brand. In this case, big companies such as Nestle can take advantage in bargaining. Small scale companies or local companies may feel that the power of supplier is higher as compared to the well-established companies. Power of Buyer Competitive Rivalry Food and beverages industry is a very competitive industry. This is affected by the other 4 factors discussed above. Its not too difficult to enter to this industry, the bargaining power of supplier and buyer are medium and threat of substitute is high. Some other factors also determine the intense of competition. The competitors are of roughly equal size which can make the competition even stiffer. They will attempt to gain dominance over another. For example Nestle and General Mills have joint ventured for breakfast cereal market. By having such joint venture these two companies instead of competing with each other they can gain better success (Jones, 2008). In overall this food and beverages industry has its own attractiveness to attract new comers to enter. Although from the 5 Porter results the industry isnt so attractive, it has its own set of appeal for the business party which is the growing opportunity (profit). If the new comers can have good strategy to penetrate into the market and know how to compete with existing companies, they can gain benefits in the competition. {draw:frame} Since Nestle is operating in world-wide market, the industry life cycle may vary among different geographical areas. In general food and beverage industry is at the growth stage of life cycle but for European market and non-European market they are at the different point of growth stage. Figure below shows the position of the food and beverages industry in the life cycle. Another reason for the difference is the demographic differences between the two different areas. A very important issue that makes European market is hardly to grow is regarding the population growth rates. As compared to other markets, the population growth rate is lower that makes the industry cant grow or generate higher profits for the market players. For food and beverages industry, the consumption is driven by the population growth. Slower population growth means the industry also grows slowly. The industry life cycle analysis is related to the Porter 5 forces. The relationship can be seen from the characteristics of the forces which vary for each life cycle stage. In other words the life cycle can be determined by looking at the 5 forces of the industry. As for the food and beverages industry, since its still at the growth stage the competition will keep increasing (intense rivalry) till it reaches maturity stage. One obvious fact is that in European and North America market the competition is stiffer as compared to the other markets. As shown in the curve before, these 2 markets are approaching the maturity stage while the other markets are just at the middle of growth stage. Nestle knows this thus it put more attention to the Asian market (Jones, 2008). The competitive rivalry is driven by the increasing number of new entrants. The power of buyers at growth stage isnt high but it will increase as the industry goes further in the life cycle. The main reason for this is because of increasing number of competitors to offer more products to the customers. In the Porter 5 Forces analysis it has been identified that the bargaining power of buyers is quite high already. This is because this industry is very broad and the companies can come out with many product selections. When the companies step into the maturity stage by sure they will have even more products providedto strengthen the companys brand. For example Nestle MILO has strong market share and remains a perennial favorite amongst Malaysia consumers. In order to further strengthening the brands image, the company added MILO GOLD to its product range. This was done to keep the consumers loyalty towards the product (Business Review, 2008). Reversely the power of supplier will be lower when this industry reaches the maturity stage. It is because the brand of the company will be more powerful when it enters to the maturity stage. As explained before the power of supplier is relative to the company brands. Currently since the food and beverages industry is still at the growth stage the power of supplier is medium. Nestle is an exception case. For Nestle whose brand is very strong, the power of supplier becomes lower. One proof to show that the power of supplier is low is the presence of Nestle Supplier Code. This Nestle Supplier Code establishes non-negotiable minimum standards that the suppliers must respect and adhere at all times when conducting business with Nestle (Nestle Supplier Code, 2009). The Code also helps in implementing the commitment to foster responsible practices in the company supply chain. It is used to ensure the responsible sourcing and supplier relationships that deliver a competitive advantage for N estle. Not all companies have capability to implement such thing. Suppose Nestle isnt a well-known company, it wont dare to have supplier code, instead it may have to listen to what supplier requires. A major barrier to entry for the growth stage is the learning or experience. Nestle and other companies have gained many experiences that allow them to achieve economies of scale. Pricing during this stage is also declining (lower than the introduction stage) and the profit is also increasing. Nestle and its competitors still have growth opportunity. Another proof to show this industry is still at the growth stage is more differentiated products are being introduced these days. The research center of Nestle is still striving to come out with innovative products and renovate existing ones. Before identifying the key drivers for change, the PESTEL analysis should be carried out. From the key factors in the macro-environment (PESTEL), there are 2 of the factors that influence food and beverages industry the most which are economic and social factor. These two are the key drivers for change in food and beverages industry. Demographic is also one of the factors that keep changing. The main factor within demographic that will impact the operation of the company is the lifestyle. As mentioned earlier, people are shifting to healthier life. The demand for food and beverages that dont fulfill this requirement cant stay long in the competition. But for Nestle this wont affect much since Nutrition, Health and Wellness has been the company focus for years. According to Johnson (2005) critical success factors are those product features that are particularly valued by a group of customers and therefore where the organization must excel to outperform organization. CSF can be related to the differentiation by the companies within the industry. There are 4 common forms of differentiation which can be used by the company which are: product attributes, price, support, and brand image. For the food and beverages industry the most critical success factor will be the product quality and innovation (Nestle: Global Strategy, 2009). It means that for the company to success in this industry, the product quality should be taken care the most while innovation process is also carried out. This is what Nestle has been doing so far. As mentioned before Nestle brand has been the symbol of quality. Innovation is said to be the critical factor because in this kind of industry the company should be able to come out with new ideas to keep pace with the changing customer preferences. Another critical success factor for the food and beverages industry is the healthiness of the products. This is closely related to the key drivers for change as discussed earlier. As people are very concern about their health, the healthiness of the food and beverages they are taking become a key determinant in their purchasing. Many groups of customer valued this healthiness issue thus allows Nestle to conquer big market share. Indirectly the brand image itself can be built from the product attributes thus brand is of the same importance with product quality in food and beverages industry. The company also needs to develop its corporate brand using CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Probably this factor is applicable for any industry in the business world. As Nestle is the market leader of its industry, by sure it has its own set of core competencies to deal with the critical success factors in the industry. All CSF is of Nestle capability which means it has the resources and competencies to cater all CSF. Without these competencies, Nestle cant sustain its position any longer. This core competency of Nestle has made the company reached the first place in the industry. Quality which is the most important factor for food and beverages industry has been so attached to the Nestle brand itself. Nestle knows that innovation and quality are the key determinants thus it transferred these competencies to the foreign market wherever it entered into (Nestle: Global Strategy, 2009). One of the innovations from Nestle which gives it first mover advantage is its nutrition labeling on all the products packaging. It was launched in 2005 and comprises three elements: Good to know, Good to remember, and Good to talk. These 3 labels can be found in all the Nestle products. There is another first mover advantage Nestle has which is becomes the first in the industry to offer a full range of chilled dairy products with No Artificial Coloring in 2008 (Business Review, 2008). Some examples of the products are BLISS Yogurt Drink, NESTLE Yogurt and YOCO Cultured Milk Drink. It was communicated under the Some Things are Best Left Natural communication campaign and received very positive feedback from consumers. Nestle also has competencies in leading and developing people (Roongrerngsuke, 2006). This is important since Nestle is operating worldwide. As the market in each country is different from the others, the company needs to adapt itself to the macro-environment accordingly. Nestle has the ability in adapting itself to local demand and cultural differences although it operates in global level. It uses local brands in a wide range of local markets and focuses on trying to optimize ingredients and processing technology to local conditions. Doing business in different countries means different ethical standards, different business expectations, and different cultural norms. One example to show Nestles ability in responding to local condition is when it penetrated to Nigeria, the company had to rethink its distribution method (operating a central warehouse) because the road system was poorly developed and much violence there. The global strategy must be backed up with the necessary financial and human resources and knowledge management should be introduced to spread information throughout the company (Nestle: Global Strategy, 2009). Nestle can take advantage of location economies to lower the cost of value creation thus it can achieve low cost position which will give the company even better market shares (Nestle: Global Strategy, 2009). The experience of Nestle itself also can help the company to sustain its competitive advantage in term of lower product price. For Nestle to sustain its competitive advantage shouldnt be a problem. This is due to the value and inimitable of the core competencies of Nestle especially for its corporate brand image and commitment. To achieve what Nestle has achieved so far is very difficult for the other companies. This requires long term experience and investment. The most important thing is that Nestle is aware of the intense competition and keeps improving itself so that competitors cant take over its position. For the nutritional labeling, it was protected by law and other companies cant follow the same thing. Another thing that enables Nestle to sustain its competitive advantage is the intangibility of innovation in Nestle and first mover advantage. Innovation has been the culture of Nestle and it cant be transferred to other parties. Furthermore with the presence of this competency, Nestle shouldnt be worry whenever there are any changes in the industry (macro-environment) especially when people life style change. The company still can come out with nutritious food and beverages to cater the demand of customers worldwide. 5.0 Strategic Directions and Corporate Level Strategies of Nestle Corporate level strategy is also dealing with the product diversity, international diversity, corporate parenting roles and management of portfolio (Johnson et al, 2005). It is strongly related to the strategic direction of the company. Nestle applied international diversity which means it differentiates its products based on the local market and competition. The example has been given in the chapter before which shows the Nestle ability in adapting itself to the local market. In selecting the corporate strategy a firm might refer to Boston Matrix, Ansoff Matrix or use a simple SWOT analysis to establish where the company is and in which direction it wishes to head. Below is the BCG portfolio matrix for Nestle SBU. The classification is based on the performance of the SBU (the profit it generated to Nestle). Most of the Nestle SBU is in the category of star. The SBUs in this category generate high profit for the companies. This is the main reason why Nestle can gain its number one in the industry. All its SBUs are generating profit. Nestle doesnt have any SBU in dog and cash cow category. Take example of Ice Cream SBU to show why its considered as star. Nestlà © Ice Cream registered double digit growth in 2008 (Business Review, 2008). The division continued to spearhead the market with even stronger brand awareness, which saw continuous and sustained brand building efforts even during lackluster market conditions. This SBU can come out with innovative products such as DRUMSTICK Techno, DRUMSTICK Retro ice cream and MAT KOOL Tangle, MAT KOOL Super Blaster and TROPICANA Plus ice confection. In the following years if the innovation is kept carried out, this SBU can still generate high profit for Nestle. Strategic direction or development directions are strategic options available to an organization in terms of products and market coverage (Johnson et al, 2005). There are 4 strategic development directions which are: protect/build, product development, market development and diversification. Nestle has done the 4 strategies. In recent years, the company has pursued a policy of expansion and diversification through acquisition and divestment to achieve a more balanced structure to the business. Product development is the main direction of Nestle and done by the company RD team. As what a director of Nestle said, renovation is to keep pace in the industry; company needs to change at least as fast as consumer expectation. Innovation is to maintain the leadership position; to move faster and go beyond what consumers will tell (Nestle SWOT analysis, 2005). These 2 strategies are intended for internal growth to achieve higher volumes. In 2005, Nestles ice cream business unit for the China Region launched 29 new products to attract more consumers having its quality improved (Nestle Attacks with New Products, 2005). As the multinational company, market development is also very important in order to increase the geographical area coverage. In this case Nestle is expanding the market by geographical area. Nestle expanded to Asia region as it saw good opportunity there. In some cases Nestle used joint venture to assist itself in entering into new market. As a multinational company, Nestle has done some sorts of international strategy such as joint ventures with Coca Cola and General Mills (Nestle SA, 2009). These 2 joint ventures still main for the food and beverages industry (this also can be the example of related diversification). Joint venture with General Mills is to form Cereal Partners Worldwide and joint venture with Coca-Cola is named Beverages Partners Worldwide. The main reason for Nestle to do the joint ventures for its market development strategy is to benefit from the traditional marketing expertise and distribution strength of Coca-Cola and General Mills. These 2 joint ventures also allow the companies to have their market penetration (existing product in existing market). Nestle has related diversification and unrelated diversification. For the related diversification, it can be seen from the wide product portfolio which encompassing baby foods, dairy products, chocolates, breakfast cereals, food seasoning etc. For unrelated diversification, Nestle did it by acquiring or joint venturing with other big companies. For example Nestle acquired Alcon Laboratories Inc. in Texas which is a pharmaceutical company specializing in eye care (Company Related, 2009). Another example of unrelated diversification is the joint venture with LOreal. Nestlà © and LOrà ©al have a close relationship dating back to a shareholder pact made in 1974. Nestlà © holds a 26.4% stake in the worlds largest cosmetics group. Whilst it is unlikely that Nestlà © will take over LOrà ©al in the immediate future, it could well do so in a few years (Nestle SA, 2009). For the future days, Nestle may still come out with market development, product development and diversification. Nestle with its RD team can come out with more and more innovative idea in developing the products and try looking for new market segment. The new market segments can be new geographical unit or based on demographic factor. However for the unrelated diversification Nestle shouldnt go to extensive. It is because the more extensive the unrelated diversification the lower the performance will be. 6.0 Conclusion Conducting industry analysis is very important whenever a company wants to enter into new market. Porter 5 forces and industry life cycle are have-to-do analysis before making decision. However for the existing companies especially large scale companies, they need to pay attention to the future changes that might happen in the industry because these changes will impact the operation of the company in the business environment. Nestle as the leader in the food and beverages industry has its own set of competencies that allow it to conquer the largest market share and left the competitors behind. The core competencies or strategic capability of the company should fit what the most influential factors in determining the success of the company are. It means that the core competencies should be able let the company to sustain its competitive advantages. Portfolio matrix assists the company in determining how to allocate the investment based on the SBU. By understanding this, the company knows the direction it should go. This is related to the issues of market penetration, consolidation, product development and diversification.
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